Atul’s Song A Day- A choice collection of Hindi Film & Non-Film Songs

Sab kaliyaan khile aaj

Posted on: December 9, 2019

This article is written by Arunkumar Deshmukh, a fellow enthusiast of Hindi movie music and a regular contributor to this blog.This article is meant to be posted in If this article appears in other sites without the knowledge and consent of the web administrator of, then it is piracy of the copyright content of and is a punishable offence under the existing laws.

Blog Day :

4161 Post No. : 15329 Movie Count :


Today’s song is from film Mera Imaan-1934.

I have been writing on old films and songs since 2012. Most of my posts are for films of the 30s and the 40s. However, I have also done innumerable posts on songs and films of period 1951 upto as latest as 2018. That is because, I believe, good music and good films exist in all eras. Only their percentage differs. Additionally, one’s likings generally decide what is ‘Good music’, based on his taste. Taste develops depending on one’s exposure. If I don’t listen to a song of 2019, how am I to conclude if it is good or bad ? Without analysing these factors, people are in a hurry to brand films and songs as good or bad.

Older generations like old films and old songs, mainly due to Nostalgia. Their memories are attached to these films/songs. It is said that old songs have a longer shelf life. But are not older people keeping old music alive ? As the times elapse, decade by decade, the older songs will be forgotten decade wise.

As on today, how many people enjoy songs of the 30’s ? To like these songs, the person has to be of the age of 90 to 100 years. Naturally, 30’s songs are out of favour now. To like songs of the 40’s, the person has to be in the age group of 70 to 85 or so. Hence today some songs of 40s are still popular. In another 10-15 years, songs of 30s and 40s may not be in circulation to that extent, because people who remembered and enjoyed them will be one.

This is Life. As Lord Tennyson said, “The old order changeth yielding place to New….”. Does that mean old films and songs have to be dumped now ? Absolutely not. On the contrary, they must be discussed elaborately, using information to make it available to the coming Generations. Towards this end, this Blog is playing an Yeoman’s role in preserving old and very old songs at one place. I am sure that History will thank Atul ji, for his Blog and for making old songs and highly credible information available to the coming Generations.

I have observed one thing here. During the period 2012 to 2016, for every old song of 30s and 40s, there used to be many comments from the readers and healthy discussions took place, emanating newer information about older films and songs. However, for the last 3 or 4 years, the comments have dried up so much that sometimes I start feeling if these posts are read by anyone at all ? Should I stop writing ?

Then I realise that the posts are written not for getting Claps and Bouquets, but to record History to preserve information and above all, with a noble intention to share knowledge, before it goes to Dust with the writer ! With this philosophy, I continue writing more enthusiastically.

Today’s film Mera Imaan-34 was a Stunt film, directed by Nagendra Majumdar. The songs were written by Dr. Dhaniram Prem. The name of the Music Director is not mentioned in HFGK. The cast of the film was Madhav Kale, Gauhar Karnataki, N.Majumdar, Athavale, Baburao Apte (brother of Shanta Apte), Madhukar Gupte, Miss Amirjaan etc etc.

Film’s director, who had also acted in it, was Nagendra Majumdar. He was the father of Music Director Ninu (Niranjan) Majumdar. Nagendra was born in a happy family in the year 1894 in Bombay. After his father died, “Pearl Dairy” established by his father ran very well doing good business. Suddenly, Nagendra’s wife fell seriously ill and despite taking her full care, she expired. Due to neglect of the Dairy in this period, Dairy also closed down.

Her shifted to Baroda and worked as a State Police Inspector. Later he worked as Watch and Ward Inspector in Baroda Railways. He left the job and started working as a hero in dramas of famous dramatist R.V.Desai. Heeralal, the owner of Laxmi Film Company, Bombay was impressed with his personality and took him to Bombay in 1926 to act in his silent films. Thus started his film career. In those days Silent films used to be completed within a month. He worked as a Hero in films of Laxmi, Jagdish and Imperial film companies.

In the same year, he directed a film ‘Paani mein aag’-1926, made by Royal Arts. Then came two more films made by Kaiser E Hind films. He also directed films of other companies. In all he directed 15 Silent films by 1932. By then, the Talkie had arrived. In the next 14 years he directed 12 Talkie films like – Ras Vilas-32, Sassi Punnu-32, Patit Pawan-33, mirza Sahibaan-33, Mera Imaan-34, Kala Wagh-34, Rangila nawab-35, Kimiyagar-36, Aaj ka Alladin aka Alladin II-36, Lehri lutera-37, Talwarwala-46 and Swadesh Sewa-46. When K L Saigal came to Bombay, Nagendra wanted to work with him. In film Tansen-43, he did the role of Tansen’s (Saigal’s) father and he was very happy.

His last 2 films came in 1946, but his health was not cooperating for quite few years. He gave up work and took rest. However, he suffered from paralysis and died on 22-8-1951. His son Ninu Majumdar worked in Bombay A.I.R. as head of Gujarati programmes, since 1937. By the time Nagendra died, Ninu had already started working as a Music Director.

As a Director, Nagendra had worked with the best of his times like, Master Vithal, Zubeida, Jillo, Billimorea brothers, Madhuri, Navinchandra, Durga Khote Jairaj, Sultana, Noorjehan sr and such luminaries of those days. He had worked for Ranjit, Imperial, Sharda, Jayant Desai films, Yadnik films etc etc.

Now let us know something about Dr. Dhaniram Prem – a Medical Doctor, who came into films like a Meteor for few years in the 30’s period. Dr.DHANIRAM “Prem” (Born 26 September 1904 – Died 10 November 1979) Lyricist, Story and Dialogue Writer in Hindi Films, an extraordinary person, was born on 26-9-1904 at Dariyapur, Aligadh, UP. He completed his MBBS from Bombay and then he went to UK for further studies under assistance from a charitable institution.
He came back, started his practice and repaid all loans first. From childhood he was fond of writing. He wrote several books and articles in National papers. From 1932 to 1936 he wrote Stories, dialogues and Lyrics for 14 films. In the first 2 years he wrote for only Ranjit studio films. Later he was a freelancer and wrote for others too. Gol Nishan aka Mark of Zoro-36 was the last film for which he wrote the Story and some songs..

Then he went to UK and practiced there, engaging himself in social causes. He was highly respected by the British. In 1964 he declared that he would contest the U.K. Prime Minister elections. A special pediatric ward was named after him in his honour while he was alive. He got several awards in U.K. for his excellent work. Indian government gave him Padmashree.

On 29-10-1979 he came to India and stayed in Delhi, but in two day’s time he met with a scooter accident and he died on 10-11-1979. His specialty was that in every film lyric, he used the word ‘Prem’ as a signature word. This trait was picked up later by some more Lyricists in Hindi films.

The hero of this film was Madhav Kale. Madhav Kale was born in Nashik in 1903. After his school education at Nashik, he joined Deccan college at Poona and passed Intermediate course. He was interested in playing in dramas, which was opposed by his mother. But he used to take part in dramas while in college. He was a good singer too. Wanting to join films, he sent applications to many companies. Saroj and sharda companies responded. He acted in several silent films like Mukti sangram, kanak kesari etc. He entered the Talkie films with Vikram Charitra-32, Mera Imaan-34 and Vishnu Bhakti-34. During this period, he got married in 1934.

He acted in 21 films. His last film was Gokul ka chor-59. He even directed one film, Sacha Sapna-42. He sang 13 songs in 7 films till 1942.
There is no information about him after this.

After writing this bio of Madhav kale, I came to know that after the films, Madhav went back to Nashik, where he was active in local politics. He became a Municipal Councillor, but lost Assembly elections, which he was very hopeful of. He died somewhere in 1980.

Today’s film Mera imaan-34 was based on a Marathi drama – Amche imaan (आमचे ईमान ), staged by Lalit Natak Samaj.

(I have collated information for this post from various sources like Listener’s Bulletins No. 40 of Feb-80 and No.145 of July 2010, HFGK, Sapnon ke Saudagar by Vithal Pandya, Silent films by Dr.Verma, Lost Treasures by kamlakar P. and my notes.)

Song-Sab kaliyaan khile aaj (Mera Imaan)(1934) Singer-Gauhar Karnataki, Lyricist-Dr. Dhaniram Prem, MD- Not known


Sab kaliyaan khile aaj
Sab kaliyaan khile aaj
Sab kaliyaan khile aaj
Sab kaliyaan khile aaj
soonghat ras ki daali
soonghat ras ki daali
Sab kaliyaan khile aaj
Sab kaliyaan khile aaj
Sab kaliyaan khile aaj
man aur sugandh basey man mhaare
sugandh basey man mhaare

man aur sugandh base ae
aa aa aa
aa aa
aa aa aa
aa aa aa
aa aa
aa aa aa
aa aa aa
aa aa aa
aa aa aa aa
aa aa aa
aa aa aa
aa aa aa
aa aa aa
aa aa aa
man aur sugandh basey man mhaare
aa aa aa
aa aa aa
aa aa aa
aa aa aa
aa aa aa
aa aa aa
aa aa aa
aa aa aa
aa aa aa
aa aa aa
man aur sugandh basey man mhaare
aa aa aa aa
aa aa aa aa
aa aa aa aa
man aur sugandh basey man mhaare
sugandh basey chaaron
chaaron ?? kunj ??
chaaron ?? kunj ??
chhaayi rahi hariyaali
chhaayi rahi hariyaali
sab kaliyaan khile aaj
sab kaliyaan khile aaj
sab kaliyaan
aa aa aa
sab kaliyaan khile aaj
sab kaliyaan
sab kaliyaan
sab kaliyaan khile aaj
sab kaliyaan

9 Responses to "Sab kaliyaan khile aaj"

Deshmukh ji,
Rest assured that your writings are eagerly awaited, carefully read and highly appreciated. The painstaking efforts going into the research, bringing them into an order and presenting them in an interesting way take perseverance and determination. Doing it once or twice is easy. But continuing for years is a really hard job needing motivation, determination and dedication. Kudos for your efforts. Hats off to you and the undying spirit in you. The beneficiaries of your good work are us, the music lovers.
Coming to today’s post, Dr Dhaniram Prem, an MBBS of the early 20th Century , comes across as a very interesting personality. Had never heard about him. Thank you for the information.
Please keep up your good work.

Liked by 3 people

Dr.Shetty ji,
Thank you for your appreciation. Also thanks for your reassuring and encouraging words, which are quite motivating. Thanks also for understanding that these posts carry the weight of lot of hard work and patience.
Such comments as yours are like a Doctor’s Tonic to me,indeed.
Thanks again.


Arun Ji- I fully agree with your view :
Then I realised that the posts are written not for getting Claps and Bouquets, but to record History to preserve information and above all, with a noble intention to share knowledge, before it goes to Dust

Coming back to old songs(30’s and 40’s), My take is::
Songs of 30’s & 40’s worked within a limited pattern. It was influenced by music played in stage dramas. ( I state this by my notion & how I feel). To me many songs appear to be with minor changes to some older songs. The singers had limited range. Voice quality, just about.

Whereas songs of 50’s & 60’s, explored larger variety, had a lot of sweetness and the singers by then were highly talented. Percentage of songs that became a hit or rage were very high ( out of those composed). They have longevity.. The proof( to me) is my children born in 70’s immensely like them. Many of those songs are sung in reality TV even today..& I am sure may be for lot more years.
I feel good that I am part of that Golden era in HFM
Thanks for the post


Dear Satish ji,
Thanks for your elaborate comments.
In my opinion, Films and Society are like Mirrors . The films reflect the Society and the Society tries to emulate what is shown in films.
The music of the 30’s and early 40’s reflected what the society used to enjoy then, namely the music of stage dramas, because they were looking for acceptance for this new media. Over a period, slowly but surely the pattern changed and by the end of 40’s songs had a new awatar altogether…like Saigal songs or C. Ramchandra’s western style songs.
By the 50’s the film line shed its older older appearance. Saigal and Noorjehan were no more here, and the set of MDs, Lyricists and actors had undergone a massive change after the newer second line waiting artistes filled up the void created by the migration of older generation artistes. Thus there was a turnaround in styles, music and presentations of films and the music, which again was in synch with what the society wanted. That is why 50’s songs are even now popular, because the same generation is still there and active too.
Thanks again for sharing your thoughts here.


Dear Arun ji,
You are so right, Indian film history buff are/will be indebted to both Atul ji & you! This blog serves kind of Encyclopedia, just like Issaq Mujawar’s books are!

Once again thanks & hope to read many more articles!

Warm Regards,



umeshsontakke ji,

Thanks for your appreciation. I will continue writing till I can. But like any other artiste, there has to be a feedback too.


Liked by 1 person

Yes Sir, agree wholeheartedly! Shall try my level best!


Dear Atul ji and Arun kumar ji, It was really a super-duper article by you on Mera Iman (1934) I was very much delighted to read very very detailed and rare information about Nagendra’ Majumdar. You may be knowing perhaps that present day a very reputed Gjarati Music Director and a Singer of Gujarati Sugam Sangit Singer Mr Uday Majumdar is his Grand Son (Son of Ninu Majumdar). He is very famous for his music score of Title Music of *once upon a time* most popular Hindi Serial BUNIYAD He is my friend and has done some work for me also. Do you need his contacts ? The name R V Desai mentioned by you was not basically a Drametist only, He was Ramanlal Vasantlal Desai, a prolific Novelist of Gujarati, He was a Very Top Grade Officer ( सुबा) of Baroda State. This is for your inf pl R *RAJNIKUMAR PANDYA *

My Blog link:

*Rajnikumar Pandya* *B-3/GF-11, Akanksha Flats, Jaymaala Chowk,* *Maninagar-Isanpur Road,*

*AHMEDABAD-380050Gujarat.INDIA.Contact: +91 79 253 237 11(R) Mobile and WhatsApp- 095580 62711* *E * *PLEASE AVOID CALLING FROM 2 TO 4.30 PM *

On Mon, Dec 9, 2019 at 12:11 PM Atul’s Song A Day- A choice collection of Hindi Film & Non-Film Songs wrote:

> Atul posted: “This article is written by Arunkumar Deshmukh, a fellow > enthusiast of Hindi movie music and a regular contributor to this blog.This > article is meant to be posted in If this article appears > in other sites without the knowledge and consent ” >


Rajnikumar Pandya ji,
Sir ji,
Thanks a million for visiting the Blog and writing your comments. Thanks for your appreciation. I am glad that a veteran like you liked my article.
Also thanks for the additional information you have provided here about Nagendra’s grandson.
Such encouraging comments work as a motivation for me.


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