Atul’s Song A Day- A choice collection of Hindi Film & Non-Film Songs

Yaar daga de gaya dulhan ko le gaya

Posted on: August 1, 2016

This article is written by Avinash Scrapwala, a fellow enthusiast of Hindi movie music and a regular contributor to this blog. This article is meant to be posted in If this article appears in sites like and etc then it is piracy of the copyright content of and is a punishable offence under the existing laws.

#the Decade of Seventies – 1971 – 1980 #
# Bhoole-Bisre Geet # 41 # Qawwalis – 5#

“We are Team – Yippeeee!!”


# Location – Bunkers in South – The Head Quarters – ‘Yippeeee’- #
(Mar-April -2016)

Sitting in his digitalized, ‘Wi-Fi…ed- musical chamber, ‘Yippeeee Guru’ was restless after he recovered from a short break ( 🙂 , due to health problems and other priorities) of nearly six months from ‘Yippeeee’…

The messages through the unseen satellite waves were very well understood by ‘yours very sincerely’ and two other members of the ‘Yippeeee’ locations – one in the country as well as the other across the globe.

The contacts were soon into action and messages started flowing in to and fro!

‘Yippeeee’ group on ‘Whatsapp’ geared-up and emails started floating …

The ‘Yippeeee Guru’ soon took control of the blog too and he was seen enjoying earlier posts and commenting on them.
It seemed that he wanted to compensate for the ‘lull’ that was there for almost five-six months.

Yours sincerely sensed Guru’s restlessness and since he was the first point where it needed to be re-started, he sent a message to ‘Guru’, ‘Her Majesty’ and ‘Ben Katie’ (other two members of the group) …

‘Let us revive Yippeeee!!’

Yours sincerely texted to members with primary data of ‘Mashaal-1950’. And what a ‘title’ to start the revival …the movie title itself sets for a revolutionary ‘fight to finish’ spirit 🙂

14th April was the day when primary data of three films was delivered on that day, so a good start was made …

Collection of information for the Yippeeee’ed movies was soon taken up. At this juncture huge stock of finished goods (movies covered for all songs) was already available there, Thanks to the ‘Leader’!

And this finished stock was the ‘raw-material’ from where ‘yours sincerely’ needed to extract information about each song of a film and send it to Her Majesty and Guru for quality check, value addition, packaging with ‘album art work’, digitizing and updating the product for all the ‘music lovers’. Attaching the data on the blog viz. the write up, few comments with the song on the ‘iTunes’ to enable them to enjoy their ‘playlists of choice ‘and ‘smart playlists’ (with various permutations and combinations) was also part of the job.

Now, Yippeeee Guru is always specific in his communications and he is always updating other members about the statistics and where the group stood vis-a-vis the blog in the movies Yippeeee’ed.

The figure of balance movies to be digitized and tagged was estimated to be around two hundred at that time.

Later it was found that the backlog could be more than two hundred and it would take lot of efforts to bridge the gap between the number of movies yippeeee’ed on the blog and number of movies ‘tagged’ by the Yippeeee Gang.

Yours sincerely was quick to add that three movies per day would give us ninety movies in a month (that was on 29th April)

‘That’s a good hit rate and doable’, Guru appreciated in style …

Now, given the ‘democracy and freedom’ ( 🙂 ) in the group, members can express themselves in any way. So, though Yippeeee Guru looked to be sincere and declared that he will this time take the matters seriously to the conclusion, Her Majesty was quick to comment ;

‘Pradeep ji is forced or inspired by us, I wonder!!’ (And why not she only could comment like that, because she was always ahead of us and always ‘at par’ with the blog. It was only in the later part that ‘yours sincerely’ got ahead of her 🙂 )

To door thi manzil badi
Raah thi mushkil badi
Girte sambhalte rahe
Ham magar chalte rahe


Thus everything was well set and we were on an exciting journey of ‘tagging’ songs for all the films that were ‘covered with all songs’ on the blog.

The regular conversation on the ‘Yippeeee!!’ group on ‘whatsapp’ was making it more filmy and the jokes based on ‘film’s names’ were also entertaining in style like the ‘formula films’ of the ‘seventies’. (Edited*)

On my part I was trying to send maximum data as possible on daily basis and I was sometimes complimented for running like ‘Milkha Singh’ (by Her Majesty).

As a ‘materials’ man I knew that I had to maintain the flow so that we could catch up with the ‘Leader’ as soon as possible, and declare that ‘we have matched with the numbers on the blog so far’ 🙂

However it was not going to be easy . After all, we all had to attend to our primary duties also. (but now, as has been the case with all members of this blog, the blog has become our primary duty or ‘more than that’, so wherever we are , we are there with the blog or the blog is there with us at all times )


As dictated by destiny, my activity was interrupted by travels on account of official and personal reasons. And that in turn delayed the process of getting there ‘at par with the blog numbers’.

By 31st of May 2016 we had already reached 700 whereas the number of movies yippeeee’ed on the blog was around 774. (And we were lagging behind by 80) and Aparna ji was very much ‘at par’ with the blog in sending of the ‘texts’ that was required for digitizing the songs.

On June 1st, 2016, the 700th movie was yippeeee’ed by the group i.e. tagged with all the details (as mentioned above)

It was On that very day that I undertook my first travel to the east, while Guru was getting impatient to reach there..

“By June end we can target to reach the blog numbers”

But, I was not carrying the laptop with me, so there was no activity related with the project from my end for the period of my journey.

In the meanwhile, as excited and impatient that he was, the ‘Yippee Guru’ kept mentioning it on the blog that ‘we will soon be there’.

It was like throwing a challenge to the ‘leader’ who in his sudden newfound ‘avtaar’ was all set to ‘yippee’ a movie per day, and he was not going to take it lying down while the Guru was threateing to inch closer and closer :).

Thus while presenting this song nagri nagri naach rahi hoon on 8th June Atul ji warned ( 🙂 )

Seeing that our YIPPEE master Pradeep Raghunathan is hot on the heels of YIPPEED movies and threatens to catch up on all such movies, I had no option but to wake up from my lethargy and restart the stalled project of adding movies to the YIPPEED list. So watch for some renewed action in the blog on this blog where I try to keep ahead of the YIPPEE master.

On June 9th, when I was on my return journey from my first travel break, I received this message from Guru
“Atul ji is gathering steam to add more yippeeee movies …”

It was an unmistakable indication to me to get on with the task and make it snappy.

Back from the week-long trip when I watched my ‘post-calender’ pasted on the wall near my desktop, there was a post due for 10th June on the anniversary of passing away of a famous character actor. The song had already been drafted, but there was very little time for the post, so I thought of defering the post by a few days.

But we had to pre-pone our trip to Gujarat and we had to leave on 12th morning, so there was no time to get into the mood of the post and the post did not materialise as planned.

However this time I was carrying the lap-top with me.

Guru was more than happy 🙂

Well, while collecting the data, I was also checking for the workability of the links of the earlier songs posted on the blog. That was very much necessary.

A ‘working link’ of the song was very much required for the ‘tagging process’ and after all I thought that it was our moral responsibility to provide ‘working links’ of the songs with the post and rectify matters wherever the earlier links were not working or were removed for some reason or the other. (Guru was on the same line with me when I shared my thoughts to him when I met him at YHQ).

After all, it is mentioned in the ‘about the blog’ section that;

“This blog discusses Bollywood songs of yesteryears. Every song has a brief description, followed by a video link, and complete lyrics of the song.

I am writing this to clear the curiosity of other members who were surprised over the ‘yippeeee gang members’ adding the ‘working link’ of the songs and why it was required.

Well during my trip I continued to send data of one or two films or at times three films as possible every day. On the other side Yippeeee Guru was ‘swimming in the pool of data received at his end and was enjoying it all.

So, he was also philosophical now 🙂

“I find Yippeeee’ing process very therapeutic” – Yippeeee Guru’


On 18.06.16 there was this post ‘tumhen saath na laayi bahaar aayi to kya aayi’ where the Leader was in full flow now,

Regulars of the blog may have noticed that the YIPPEE gang, led by the redoubtable gang leader Pradeep Raghunathan were in hot pursuit of the YIPPEED movies and they were threatening to reach all the YIPPEED movies quite soon, seeing that they were only fifty or so YIPPEEDD movies behind at the moment.

One person YIPPying movies, and a gang covering them all, bahut naainsaafi hai. At this juncture, I have received some welcome support from none other than our own beloved inhouse encyclopeadia, Mr Arunkumar Deshmukh. He has come to my rescue by pointing out some movies where only one song is left to be covered. Armed with this information, now I have ammunition to try and escape from the chasers, like how the hero of 1970s movie used to try.

(That was, after all, not fair, since yours sincerely was also doing a bit on contributing of songs/posts 🙂 )

On this Guru’s comment was,

Atul ji.. Congratulations… 14 songs movie getting YIPPEEEED!! is monumental!. Aur baat nainsaafi ki… now we are pretty much on a level playing field… one of our team player… Aparna is partially retired hurt. Avinash ji is travelling and is back in action from tomorrow. So this weekend you will definitely have a good lead… but then we will inch closer and closer.

Now, this was getting more interesting and I decided that I would continue with this song only (films of seventies playing in my mind and the ‘Leader’ finding him chased’) to mark the ‘at par’ moment 🙂

Back from the second travel break, it was ‘now or never’ for us, so I decided to bombard him with as much data as possible.
As I tried to make up for the lost days and sent details of twenty four movies in three days, which included the details of film ‘Gharana-1961’, Guru complimented me with;

‘Yipeeee waale tera jawaab nahin’

And, at the same time it became certain that I would be travelling to the South now!!

Getting ‘at par’ with the number on the blog and declaring it from the ‘Yippeeee head quarters’ itself would have been great, but then we thought that we would make it when the tally reached 800 movies – covered with all songs.

However unavailability of working links for a few films was causing hindrance to this process.

I had embarked 🙂 on my journey to the South, but before meeting the Guru I had to finish my work at other nearby locations.
As I continued with doing my part ‘Yippeeee’ in ‘transit’ I was also suggested (by Ben Katie, who else?) to relax and take it easy.

I replied;

“Jab ek bhai film ke sab gaane cover karega to doosra bhaai yippeeee bhi karega”

Everything went as planned, I met Yippeee Guru and discussed our plans of ‘declaring the ‘at par’ moment.
I told Guru that we would do it by posting a write up and a song.

By now, gripped with the fever of ‘films of seventies’ I imagined the ‘Yippeee dulhan’ and how the ‘Leader’ was running ahead of us and ‘we were trying to catch him’.

It was all set. When we met it was love – preet – ‘bani hai preet dulhan’ (iss mulaaqaat ka bas mazaa lijiye’)

Now the ‘dulhan’ is ‘Yippeeee’ and the ‘Leader’ ahead of us and we were the ‘baaraati’ chasing him as and where possible 🙂 (remember, in this game the ‘Leader’ will always be the first on the Yippee front on the blog’ and we would always be behind him with our ‘Yippeeee’ later 🙂 , so he did not need to worry about the chasers)

Back after meeting with the Guru and waiting for the number to reach 800, Guru was getting impatient, ‘Avinash ji post to aana chahiye na’.

As we were not being provided with some missing links by the powers be, he thought that it was a deliberate ploy to deprive us from catching up. 🙂

“We are not being allowed to reach 800”

On Fifteenth July itself when we finally reached 800, Guru was impatient and he was wanting to post and announce it as soon as possible, rather as immediately as possible ( I can only imagine how he was bearing all this-waiting for such a long time for this post to appear. I apologize to him for the delay in doing this post.)

Well finally the day arrived when we hit the tally to total the number of movies to 800.
On 11th July it was 800 movies Yippee’ed on the blog. We were two movies behind, so we waited for some more movies to be Yippee’ed on the blog.

And I am happy to announce here (of course, with Guru’s blessings with me 🙂 ) that as on today we are at 806, only two movies behind the blog (Qeemat-1945 and Shaarda-1942- are the two missing movies where most of the song links are required to be updated)

Meanwhile Guru kept reminding me of the post and how he was waiting for it. He also gave me a training session on how to create dynamic playlists after syncing the song folders with ‘iTunes’.

One can only understand and realize the efforts put in by Yippeeee Guru over the years when one goes through this experience.

Ben Katie our die-hard supporter was always there to cheer us and motivating us, ‘hamaare karm se abhibhut hokar’ she write to us;

Forwarding you an inspiring quote I just read. You all three and Atul ji is truly following that.
“Have patience my son. The work will grow beyond all your expectations. … Every work has to pass through hundreds of difficulties before succeeding. Those that persevere will see the light, sooner or later”- Swami Vivekananda

So, I congratulate Yippeeee Guru on his achievement and saluting his ‘love for Hindi Film Music’, his single minded determination for this project of digitizing the songs with the data on the blog and enabling music lovers to create ‘dynamic playlists’ of their choice.

The LP covers that he has collected over these years and added to the ‘album art work’ are just awesome and amazing. It is a journey down memory lane full of nostalgia.

One can see his ‘passion’ and ‘love’ for the Hindi Films and Music in his works and creativity.

I am sure he is the happiest person today, who had dreamed of about this project years back – almost 7/8 years back (I hope I am correct).

I would also like to congratulate Her Majesty (Aparna ji) and Ben Katie (Khyatiben) on this moment that we were all waiting for …
Also I would request Yippeeee Guru to add his comments on the ‘technicalities’ and other ‘important aspects’ of the Project which I may have missed in this post due to my ignorance in understanding of the process in totality, if any.

Also I sincerely hope that he likes this post and enjoys this wonderful song that is being posted today 🙂 (which has been not disclosed to him and other members so far 🙂 )

And finally a big YIPPEEEE!!

(Remember its 2p’s 4ee’s and 2!!- Yippeeee Guru)

I had planned this song to be posted in remembrance of Actor Jeevan (October 24, 1915 in Srinagar – June 10, 1987) whose death anniversary was on 10th of June.

Thanks Jeevan Saab for all those lovely memories and the films of the seventies. You will always be remembered as long as Hindi Films are discussed.

During recent months I particularly got involved with the films of seventies viz. ‘Shareef Badmaash-1973’ and others, then ‘Dharam Veer-1977’ was also discussed on the blog.

And watching today’s song particularly brings back memories of those films of seventies (for me) where actor Jeevan had entertained us with his inimitable style and performance.

The film:-

‘Choron Ki Baaraat’ – 1980 was a ‘Citizen Pictures, Bombay’ presentation, directed by Harmesh Malhotra.
It had Shatrughan Sinha, Neetu Singh, Danny, Jagdeep, Jeevan, Prema Narayan, Ranjeet, Ajit, Heena Kausar, Ram Mohan, Sudhir, Roopesh Kumar, Dev Kumar, B.M.Vyas, Shobha Khote, Azad, Janki Das, Hercules, Jaswant, Mulchand, Suhel, Jaikumar and others.
Story and Screenplay of this film was written by Ravi Kapoor.

Its dialogues were written by Kadar Khan and editing was done by Govind Dalwadi.

This movie had total four songs penned by Anand Bakshi. Music for this film was composed by Laxmikant-Pyarelal. Anwar, Jaspal Singh, Kishore Kumar, Lata Mangeshkar, Manna Dey and Shailendra Singh gave their voices to the songs of this film.

This film was passed by Censor board on 19.04.1980.

The plot summary of this movie is available on IMDB here.

Let us now enjoy this wonderful song!!! Enjoy music!!!



Song-Yaar daga de gaya dulhan ko le gaya (Choron Ki Baaraat)(1980) Singers-Manna Dey, Anwar, Jaspal Singh, Lyrics-Anand Bakshi, MD-Laxmikant Pyarelal


Ho o o o o o
O o o ho o o
O o o o o o
O o o ho o o

Yaar dagaa de gayaa
O o o o ho o
O o o o ho o

Ho yaar dagaa de gayaa
Dulhan ko le gayaa
Yaar dagaa de gayaa
Dulhan ko le gayaa
Chhod gayaa saath
Aage aage dulhaa
He peechhe choron ki baraat
Aage aage dulhaa
He peechhe choron ki baraat

Yaar dagaa de gayaa
Dulhan ko le gayaa
Yaar dagaa de gayaa
Dulhan ko le gayaa

Chhod gayaa saath
Aage aage dulhaa

Hai peechhe choron ki baraat
O aage aage dulhaa
Hai peechhe choron ki baraat

Aage aage dulhaa
Peechhe choron ki baraat

Aage aage dulhaa
Peechhe choron ki baraat

Har gali mein dhoondhte
Har kali se poochhte
Mila gayaa koi nishaan
Ham chale aaye yahaan
Har gali mein dhoondhte
Har kali se poochhte
Mila gayaa koi nishaan
Ham chale aaye yahaan

To door thi manzil badi
Raah thi mushkil badi
Girte sambhalte rahe
Ham magar chalte rahe
Haan aa aa aa aa aa
Haan aa aa aa
Ye bharosaa tha hame
Tha hamen
Itna pataa tha hame
Tha hamen
Ham rahe ae zindaa agar
Aaj ho ya kal magar
Are hogi mulaaqaat
Aage aage dulhaa
Ho peechhe choron ki baraat
Haan aage aage dulhaa
Peechhe choron ki baraat

Yaar dagaa de gayaa
Dulhan ko le gayaa
Yaar dagaa de gayaa

Waade sabhi tod ke
Apna shehar chhod ke
Wo basaa pardes mein ae ae
Ek naye bhes mein

To hamne bhi chhoda watan
Baandh ke sar pe qafan
Wo nahin ya ham nahin
Ham kisise kam nahin

Ham kisise kam nahin

Haan aa aa aa aa
Haan aa aa aa
Dekhiye suniye janaab
Kya tabiyat hai kharaab
Kisliye ye berukhi ee
Baat nahin ee aapki
Re logon ki hai baat
Aage aage dulhaa
He peechhe choron ki baraat
A aage aage dulhaa
He peechhe choron ki baraat
O yaar dagaa de gayaa
Dulhan ko le gayaa
Yaar dagaa de gayaa

Bewafaa wo
Bewafaa wo hai to kya
Ham to nahin bewafaa aa
Bewafaa wo hai to kya
Ham to nahin bewafaa

Ham puraani dosti ee
Ham puraani dosti
Tod dein kaise aji
Ham puraani dosti
Tod dein kaise aji

Jaan denge saath ham
Hamne khaayi thi qasam

Aye bewafaa wo
Bewafaa wo hai to kya
Ham to nahin bewafaa aa
Bewafaa wo hai to kya
Ham to nahin bewafaa

Ye sitam ho kisliye
Wo akela kyun jiye
Kyun jiye

Kis tarah hogi bhalaa
Phool se khushboo judaa
Kis tarah hogi bhalaa
Phool se khushboo judaa

Aaj ka aa din qhaas hai
Door thi ee ee ab paas hai
Wo milan ki raat
Aage aage dulhaa
Hai pichhe choron ki baraat
O aage aage dulhaa
Hai pichhe choron ki baraat
Ho yaar dagaa de gayaa
Dulhan ko le gayaa
Yaar dagaa de gayaa
Dulhan ko le gayaa

O yaar dagaa de gayaa
Dulhan ko le gayaa
O yaar dagaa de gayaa aa aa
Devnagri script lyrics

हो ओ ओ ओ ओ ओ
ओ ओ ओ ओ ओ ओ
ओ ओ ओ ओ ओ ओ
ओ ओ ओ ओ ओ ओ

यार दगा दे गया
ओ ओ ओ ओ ओ ओ
ओ ओ ओ ओ ओ ओ

हो यार दगा दे गया
दुल्हन को ले गया
यार दगा दे गया
दुल्हन को ले गया
छोड़ गया साथ
आगे आगे दुल्हा
है पीछे चोरों की बरात
आगे आगे दुल्हा
है पीछे चोरों की बरात

यार दगा दे गया
दे गया
दुल्हन को ले गया
ले गया
यार दगा दे गया
दुल्हन को ले गया

छोड़ गया साथ
आगे आगे दुल्हा

है पीछे चोरों की बरात
ओ आगे आगे दुल्हा
है पीछे चोरों की बरात

आगे आगे दुल्हा
पीछे चोरों की बरात

आगे आगे दुल्हा
पीछे चोरों की बरात

हर गली में ढूंढते
हर कली से पूछते
मिल गया कोई निशाँ
हम चले आये यहाँ

हर गली में ढूंढते
हर कली से पूछते
मिल गया कोई निशाँ
हम चले आये यहाँ

तो दूर थी मंजिल बड़ी
राह थी मुश्किल बड़ी
गिरते संभलते रहे
हम मगर चलते रहे

हाँ आ आ आ आ आ
हाँ आ आ आ
ये भरोसा था हमें
था हमें
इतना पता था हमें
था हमें
हम रहे ए ज़िंदा अगर
आज हो या कल मगर
अरे होगी मुलाक़ात

आगे आगे दुल्हा
हो पीछे चोरों की बरात
हाँ आगे आगे दुल्हा
पीछे चोरों की बरात

यार दगा दे गया
दुल्हन को ले गया
यार दगा दे गया

वादे सभी तोड़ के
अपना शहर छोड़ के
वो बसा परदेस में ए ए
एक नए भेस में

तो हमने भी छोड़ा वतन
बाँध के सर पे कफन
वो नहीं या हम नहीं
हम किसीसे कम नहीं

हम किसीसे कम नहीं
हाँ आ आ आ आ
हाँ आ आ आ
देखिये सुनिये जनाब
क्या तबियत है खराब
किसलिए ये बेरुखी ई
बात नहीं ई आप की
रे लोगों की है बात

आगे आगे दुल्हा
है पीछे चोरों की बरात
आगे आगे दुल्हा
पीछे चोरों की बरात
ओ यार दगा दे गया
दुल्हन को ले गया
यार दगा दे गया

बेवफा वो
बेवफा वो है तो क्या
हम तो नहीं बेवफा आ
बेवफा वो है तो क्या
हम तो नहीं बेवफा

हम पुरानी दोस्ती ई
हम पुरानी दोस्ती
तोड़ दें कैसे अजी

हम पुरानी दोस्ती
तोड़ दें कैसे अजी

जान देंगे साथ हम
हमने खायी थी कसम

अये बेवफा वो
बेवफा वो है तो क्या
हम तो नहीं बेवफा आ
बेवफा वो है तो क्या
हम तो नहीं बेवफा

ये सितम किसलिए
वो अकेला क्यूँ जीयें
क्यूँ जीयें

किस तरह होगी भला
फूल से खुशबू जुदा
किस तरह होगी भला
फूल से खुशबू जुदा

आज का आ दिन ख़ास है
दूर थी अब पास है
वो मिलन की रात

आगे आगे दुल्हा
है पीछे चोरों की बरात
ओ आगे आगे दुल्हा
है पीछे चोरों की बरात

हो यार दगा दे गया
दुल्हन को ले गया
यार दगा दे गया
दुल्हन को ले गया

ओ यार दगा दे गया
दुल्हन को ले गया
ओ यार दगा दे गया आ आ

23 Responses to "Yaar daga de gaya dulhan ko le gaya"

YIPPEEEE!! Aakhir ‘THE’ article post ho gayee! Balle! Balle! Avinash ji… post padhkar dil khush hua. Lovely write up. Sabar ka phal kitna meetha hota hai.. :). Ab tak gaana suna nahi.. is comment ke baad sunoonga. Is milestone par TEAM YIPPEEEE!! ko badhaai. Super team effort. Without all of you we could have never achieved this monumental task. I am so excited about this milestone and this article that I have no words to express how I feel. I guess once the adrenalin relaxes I would be able to comment better. Ab ke liye.. Congratulations Avinash ji, Aparna aur Khyati Ben. Super job!


Yiippeeee team ka personal dialog mere to sar ke upar se gaya.
In conclusion, I think they deserve congrats and YiiPPeeee.


Avinash ji,

Very good article.



Thank you Sir !! Thanks for appreciating it !


Waah, Avinashji! Mazaa aa gaya ye padhke!

You guys have been working really hard on YIPPEEEE!! (ok, 2P 4E, 2!) – and closely communicating. Fantastic! Congrats to the whole team.

While I was reading this, I felt like I was watching a 70s movies. With two gangster groups trying to outwit each other. 🙂 You remember the movies where the smugglers would come in the boat but instead of the intended party to receive the goods, the other party would hijack it? 🙂

Good fun. 🙂 Indeed, YIPPEEEE waale tera jawaab nahin! 🙂

Must say the work to get the LP covers is just mindblowing. In fact, a lot of work must have gone into the whole project but when you see the results, it must be very satisfying.

And of course, when something is a labour of love, you never feel tired doing it. You only get more energy!

Well done, all of you!

I am thinking, maybe I will join Atul’s side to balance it out. Thoda lead le lenge, so that you guys have some catching up to do. 🙂


Thank you Sir, thank you very much !!
Thanks for liking the article and thanks for your kind words for the team.


But Avinashji aap toh iss movie ke Ajit jaise ban gaye. Mere ideas pe paani pher diye.
I shd say a very lively song and something that I remember Jeevan for.!


Thank you Madam ji !!
As mentioned in the post I had also drafted this song for Jeevan Saab’s death anniversary, but i could complete the post on time. And as mentioned again in the post, the later developments prompt me to continue with this song for this post.
For this post when I watched the beginning of the movie I found that there is one more song in this film where Jeevan is performing on the song. (I have not watched this movie till)


Avinash ji, and the Yippeeee team,

What a grand accomplishment, and what a wonderful fun song to go along with it.

Aah yes, about the “officially approved acts to prevent the team from reaching their goal” – I must say your assessment is oh so accurate. 😀 😀 😀

OK, seriously, great job, great team work. Always with you for getting these targets. Please continue sending requests for missing songs.

Engrossing article to go along with – all the gang work details.

Thanks for all hard work, and making this collection available to all.



Thank you Sir ji !!
Thanks for your kind words for the article and the team, and thanks for motivating us.
One thing I missed to mention in the post is – a ‘pen-drive’ that I carry with me from YHQ, which contains 48.5 GB data (songs and other details ), given by Pradeep ji so that one of us can have a back-up of the Project.


There is a mention by quite a few above about LP Covers.. in case you are wondering what it is.. here are a few of them at this link..


It is a privilege for me to say YIPPEE to THE YIIPPEEEE GROUP.


Thank you Sir !! Thanks a lot !!!


Yippeeee for the Yippeeee team, Yippeeee effort, Yippeeee post and the Yippeeee GANG!!! My part in this work is very easy, just clap and praise! You three are doing the monumental work! Guru ke bina to kuch gyan nahi milta so big applause to the Yippeeee Guru for initiating this project and then to you and Aparnaji for supporting him.

Big thanks to Atulji for giving us this ooportunity and Sudhirbhai for providing links for non- traceabla songs. As we all say, it’s a “TEAM WORK”!!! 🙂


Thank you Khyati ji.. you always say it the best. Said all that our team had to say.. and that too so beautifully :).


Khyati ji ? 😯


Avinash ji, bahut hi sundar article likha hai aap ne. Very much appreciate your memory power, the conversation that happened amongst us is vividly captured in the article. A peppy song to go with it, wah kya kehna? The account of nonk-jhonk between all of us brought a smile, especially the episode involving Sudhir ji 🙂

aap ne mujhe “her majesty” banaa diya!! khair, hamaara dil khush ho gaya, aap bhi khush raho praja 😀


And how could I forget yippee guru and the ever-smiling motivator Katie ji? It would not have been possible to run the project without their valuable contributions. Aap logon ko saadar pranaam.
“The Leader”, “The original Guru ji”, “The ever-happy K ji”, “The GoodBrave K ji” and so many worthy people contribute much more than I do to the blog.
Aap logon ko mera saadar pranaam.


Hullo Her Majesty
Bade dino baad darshan hue! Hope u r fine or was all the yyiippeeeeing keeping u busy


PM ji, I am very much here. A lot of personal work and normal amount of office work has kept me busy these days. Hope to be back to the old state soon 🙂


What a hilarious post! This certainly adds a fun element that reduces the sheer drudgery of hunting for songs and writing down lyrics.



By the way – the song is such fun too. 🙂


@Atul ji @Sudhir ji – ‘Qawwali’ tag is missing. Kindly add please.

Thanks and regards,


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