Atul’s Song A Day- A choice collection of Hindi Film & Non-Film Songs

Aag Lagi Shola Uttha Shamma Pe Parwaana Gira

Posted on: April 22, 2017

This article is written by our dear Atul ji. You must be wondering, why this change in presentation style today. Well, this post is a very, very, very special occasion, or rather a momentous occasion, for our blog and for Atul ji. It is appropriate that this introduction and announcement be made on his behalf. 

THIS  IS  ATUL  JI’s  10,000th  POST  ON  THIS  BLOG.

This is a milestone, in comparison to which all our earlier milestones and celebrations pale in significance. A single-handed dedicated effort relentlessly in progress for the past almost nine years. I am sure it will take some time for all of us, for the significance and eminence of this event to sink in.
More special posts by the members of our bandwagon are in planning, starting tomorrow. So please keep connected and be a witness to this remarkable celebration.

This article is meant to be posted in If this article appears in sites like and etc then it is piracy of the copyright content of and is a punishable offence under the existing laws.

As regulars are aware, I am based at Izatnagar, Bareilly at present which happens to be located between Delhi and Lucknow. In fact, this place is equidistant from both these cities. This fact had been commented upon by several regulars. Our Lucknow based regular namely Mr Avadh Lal even commented that I needed to visit Lucknow and meet the Lucknow based music lovers.

Here is what he mentioned in his comments to a post wherein I have discussed my transfer to Izatnagar:

I am in Lucknow, which is just 250 Kms. away and once in a while I do go to Bareilly. Of course, should you chance to come down to Lucknow for some work, it will be a heaven-sent opportunity for me as well as some other ASAD followers to chat with you in person.

During my current tenure, I have been visiting Lucknow quite often, en route to Gorakhpur, which is my HQ. I would typically reach Lucknow at 10 PM and then I would board a Gorakhpur bound train at 11 PM. So, my stay at Lucknow would just be for one hour or so and I would not have sufficient time to try and meet Lucknow based music lovers. My stay at Gorakhpur would be for one day and then I would catch a direct train to Bareilly in the evening without getting down at Lucknow.

During the last week of march 2017, I had two meetings at Gorakhpur, one on 28th and another at 30th. There was no point going back to Bareilly after the meeting of 28th, only to travel back again a few hours later. So I decided that this offered me a perfect opportunity to spend one full day at Lucknow on 29th march 2017. I would catch a night train from Gorakhpur on 28th that would bring me to Lucknow in the morning of 29th march. I would have the whole day available to me and then I would catch the night train back to Gorakhpur in the evening.

The main idea behind spending one full day at Lucknow was to finally meet Lucknow based regulars, an exercise that was long overdue, seeing that I had been staying so close to Lucknow for the last 18 months.

There are two Lucknow based blog regulars, to the best of my knowledge – namely Mr Avadh Lal (mentioned above) and Mr Pratap. Before leaving Bareilly, I emailed them both, informing them that I would be there at Lucknow on 29th march 2017 and I would like to meet them if possible.

A few hours later, Mr Pratap replied to my email, where he readily agreed to the meeting and informed me that he would get Mr Avadh Lal too to attend the meeting. He gave me his mobile number as well as the address of his residence.

Next morning, Mr Avadh Lal too responded to the email and he too mentioned that he was looking forward to the meeting.

While at Lucknow, I had fixed up a meeting with one of my Lucknow based Railway colleague, Mr Binod as well. He was looking forward to meet me as well.

It was at 10 AM on 29th march 2017 that I arrived at the work place of my colleague Mr Binod. Our acquaintance goes back more than three decades as we are from the same Railway Alma Mater. Subsequently, both of us were posted at the same place, viz Maligaon, Assam. On one occasion in 2001, I, along with my family had visited his residence as well.

While discussing official as well as other matters, I informed Mr Binod about the song blog. “Arre, you should tell people about this site. Most others would indulge in self promotion among the colleagues if they had anything like this to talk about”, he exclaimed. He then proceeded on to share the link of the blog in his whatsapp friends’ circle groups.

I informed him that there were people who knew about the blog, but they were mostly from other walks of life and not from Railways. I informed him that I wanted to meet two such Lucknow based regulars in the evening.

I had a feeling that Mr Pratap, the Lucknow based regular was an ex Railway man. I in fact felt that he was from the same Alma Mater as the two of us. I asked Mr Binod whether he knew Mr Pratap. He asked me about the phone number of Mr Pratap and compared the number with phone numbers of his acquaintances. Then he informed me that yes, the number available with him is that of Mr Pratap and he indeed is our senior from our Alma Mater.

So I rang up Mr Pratap, introduced myself as Atul of atulsongaday and also added that I was his junior from the same Alma Mater. It was decided that I would ring him up again at 5 PM, by which time he would have arrived at his residence. In the meanwhile he would also inform Mr Avadh lal.

I rang up Mr Pratap at 5 PM. He had arrived at his residence. So I informed him that I was arriving to meet him at his residence. My Lucknow based colleague had very thoughtfully provided me with a vehicle. He invited me to dinner at his residence after I had my meeting with my blog regulars.

I arrived at the residence of My Pratap at about 5:45 PM and met him. The fact that I was a Railway man struck him only after I mentioned in the blog that I was based at Izatnagar. Izatnagar was predominantly a Railway town, so it was then that he came to know about my Railways connection.

He, quite like me, would not talk much about his Railway connection, preferring to talk about music and other matters. We discussed some mutual names that we both were familiar with, and he enquired where those people were.

It was possible to get information about Mr Pratap’s postings from colleagues, without needing to ask him. He retired ten years ago at the very senior position of Additional Member in Rail Bhawan. Regulars may recall that Mr KL Pandey (covered in the blog by Sudhir Ji) another Railway Man, had also retired from the same rank. So it was a case of us HFM lovers belonging to a small world. 🙂 The world being small was also realised by me when I got the chance to meet AK ji in New Delhi in 2012. Mr Pratap was a few years senior to AK ji at the same Alma Mater to which all of us belong.

Mr Avadh Lal too joined a few minutes later. Both of them had retired in the same year. Mr Avadh Lal had retired from Post and Telegraphs department.

We began to discuss music related matters and we covered lots and lots of music related topics. Both were senior to me in age so they have seen much more of the golden era of HFM than I have. I got some interesting information from them that in olden days, there would be lots of record selling shops where there would be listening booths. One could sample the songs in the listening booth before buying them.

I was told that preserving records by keeping them in recommended position was quite an art, though people would often manage by just stacking them in their boxes in the non recommended way.

Mr Pratap is one regular who can fill in the blanks and suggest corrections in the lyrics when I get stuck. He informed me that he had inherited love of music and literature from his parents, especially his mother. In any case, he lived in an era (and lived in places) where literature was very much in the air. He has attached good quality speakers to his laptop and that is how he is able to get the lyrics of a song right with certainty. Of course, one needs to have a good grasp over the language, its dialects etc and Mr Pratap is an expert in this field.

Mr Pratap has two sons. One of them lives in US, while another lives in Gurugram or Noida (I forget which one specifically).

His India based son believes that the best quality of music comes out of a record, rather than CD and other such music storage devices. Now it is a fact that even Bakshish Singh ji of Delhi swears by. So I informed Mr Pratap that yes, his son’s views are well supported by knowledgeable music lovers.

We discussed the blog, its contents, its regulars etc. Though they had not met any other blog regulars so far, they had formed some good and accurate idea about the regulars from the discussions in the blog. We ended up discussing a good number of regulars.

They were interested in knowing how we get hold of rare songs that are discussed in the blog. I informed them that some of us have rare songs in our collections which we upload when we find that the song we intend to discuss are not available online. I mentioned that Sudhir Ji is the main man to go to for rare songs. He not only has a huge collection of songs in all formats, he also keeps getting “fresh” supply from his contacts. And for a man of such contacts and networking, he is neither on facebook nor on whatsapp. A modern wonder of the world indeed. 🙂

I informed them about two of my pet projects which were going on in the blog. One was introducing one “debutant” movie every day and another was YIPPying of one movie every day. How do I know which movies have not made their debuts and which movies are close to being YIPPEED ? I informed them that HFGK (all five volumes)- so kindly gifted to me by M/S Arunkumar Deshmukh and Sudhir Ji on the occasion of 10,000th song post in the blog, is the source. I have made a list of movies by year, in alphabetical order on an excel sheet and I can see at a glance which movie has how many songs and how many of these songs are already covered. Movies with zero songs in the blog are the movies that are candidates for making their debuts. Movies that have one song in the blog less than the number of songs contained in them are the candidates for being YIPPEED.

I informed them that the songs that are needed for debut of the movie and / or YIPPYing the movie are often rare songs and sometimes we have to upload them ourselves. That way we are at the “cutting” edge of YT. Unlike most music lovers who think that YT contains all the songs, we regularly find that YT does not contain songs we are searching for and then we have to upload them ourselves.

Here I launched myself on one of my pet peeves. I informed them that rare songs, 70 plus years old songs that we upload and whose details are not known to majority of public often find us landing in “trouble”. As soon as we upload these songs, some dubious people start claiming copyright on these songs and YT sends us copyright infringement notices, though such old songs are very much on public domain and there can be no copyrights on them. Instead of breaking my head over such issues, I have decided not to upload any more on YT and I now a days upload my songs elsewhere on Dailymotion etc.

They had not heard of Dailymotion, and they resolved to find out about it. I told them that there are a few less known alternatives to YT like Dailymotion etc.

I hope that these copyright claimers have not heard of such sites either. Such unscrupulous people have made YT terminate the accounts of some great ‘uploaders’ of songs. Some of these uploaders again come back with new IDs. Personally I do not have such thick skin, and so I would rather avoid YT instead of facing such ignominy. I do not know how Sudhir Ji deals with such issues. I will not be surprised if he got copyright infringement notice for 10kth song which no one was even aware of till it was uploaded.

Though both live at Lucknow and have been going to common gatherings, the two Lucknowites became familiar with each other only through the blog. Both would comment in the blog. On 28 august 2013, Mr Avadh Lal commented that they were both in the same city so they should keep in touch. On the same day they talked to each other on phone and they have kept meeting each other in get togethers etc. But interestingly, it was the first time that the two of them were meeting each other at their residence.

Mr Avadh Lal, a man of many interests (music, mathematics, riddles, history etc) has met Mr Harmandir Singh Hamraz and he is all praises for his Herculean task.

Interestingly, Mr Avadh Lal had spent his childhood in Bareilly, and it was there in 1955 that he was first exposed to Talat Mehmood when he had visited that place for a live performance. Though only 8 years old at that time, Talat Mehmood became his most favourite singer from that tender age itself. In fact, the very first comment that Mr Avadh Lal made in the blog in august 2013 was to describe the above fact.

If Talat Mehmood is his favourite singer then Dev Anand is his favourite actor. Here is how effusive Mr Avadh Lal gets when discussing Dev Anand in his comment to a post on Dev Anand:

As a ten-year-old boy I saw “Baarish” and loved the film because the hero being a carefree loafer appealed to my impressionistic young mind. As I was a child (and because my father was a respected person in the city), I was allowed a free entry in the cinema hall and so I watched the film countless times. Naturally, all the scenes were memorized and at home I enacted those with my younger brother (obviously, I was always the hero Dev Anand while he played the villain).

Do I still need to say that the one and only Dev Anand remains my favourite hero of all time?

Well, I had not cared to remember that today was the date Dev Saab had left us last year perhaps to entertain those in the Other World. So thank you very much Arunji for making my day. As the inimitable Gope says in the film, “क़सम Dodge गाड़ी के इंजन की”.

Regulars of the blog may recall that once we reached 10,000 mark in the blog, we came across some “special” numbers and each of them were celebrated with special posts. Thus we had special posts for song number 11111 and 12345.

We thought that the next special number after post number 12345 was far away, but then it was Mr Avadh Lal who posted a riddle like comment that went:-

I observe that you have a head for figures. I too am fascinated by the fun provided by the world of numbers. it occurs to me that there is a magical number which perhaps could meet your consideration in this respect and, if it passes muster, it would be a much much nearer milestone.

When we failed to solve the riddle, he gave another clue:

Have you ever noticed that if you start by train from Kolkata to see the holy Golden Temple, historic Jalianwala Bagh and the famous Durgiana temple in Amritsar, you pass through all odd stations including my city – Lucknow?

When we all failed to get the hint, then he explained in a direct mail to Sudhir Ji that there is a train called “Durguiana express” which runs between Kolkata and Amritsar via Lucknow, and its number is 12357. This number, consisting of prime numbers in ascending order, was the next “special” number that was available for us to discuss with a special post.

So, one can say that the special post number 12357 in the blog came up because of Mr Avadh lal.

After music, our discussion veered around to other topics like the UP elections, whose results were out a few days earlier, and its effect on people. While I was bullish about the developments, the two seniors were more cautious in their reactions.

We kept discussing items of mutual interest for well over two hours. It was after 8 PM that I took their leave. It was a very fruitful and enjoyable evening that I spend with two fellow music lovers. It was our own mini gangout, I informed them. We took some selfies and I posted one of them in our whatsapp group.

I then went to the residence of Mr Binod, who was waiting for me. I too was eager to meet him and his family. The last time I had visited his residence was in 2001 in Maligaon, Guwahati with my family. Mr Binod and his wife were no different from what they were all those years ago, but when I saw their daughter, I exclaimed-“Arre, itni badi ho gayi !” Like in the story of “Kabuliwala”, I was expecting their daughter to be the same two years old that she was 16 years ago, but of course she had grown up, to be 18 years old !

They also have a son who at that time was 10 years old and now he is 26. He is already settled in his life and lives abroad.

They have a dog at their home. Are you comfortable with him, I was asked. Am I comfortable, I have two dogs at home, and I love the company of dogs, I responded. So that dog was brought up to me. The dog, a huge 45 KG golden retriever named UV looked at me and barked. He may have been huge, but I was used to the bark of Bhhole. Compared to Bhhole’s bark, UVs bark was nothing special for me. Unable to frighten me with his bark, UV soon got reconciled to my presence and lied down stretched on the carpet close to my feet and stayed there for most of the time that I was there.

I informed my hosts that I had two dogs, and in the past I had a cat too. I recounted them a few tales of my pets. I tried to show them some photos of my pets but I was unable to locate them on my mobile. Next day, I was able to locate them and I sent a couple of photographs of my pets to Mr Binod on his whatsapp number.

After dinner, I took leave of my hosts and reached Lucknow station to catch my train. And thus ended a very fruitful and memorable day and evening (29 march 2017) when I was able to meet some dear acquaintances and was able to spend some quality time with them.

And now, a brief about today’s song. I am accustomed to posting my own articles, but today Sudhir ji has somehow persuaded me that he will post my article, for a change. The song I present in this post is in the voice of Shamshad Begum. Tomorrow, i.e. 23rd April, it is the anniversary of her passing away (2013). So I selected this song to mark this anniversary. The film is ‘Mera Salaam’ from 1957. The film has 12 songs listed, as per the Geet Kosh. This is the fourth song from the film to be posted on our blog.

All songs are written by Shewan Rizvi and the music is by Hafiz Khan. It important to reiterate the this Hafiz Khan is different person from Khan Matana (whose name is also Hafiz Khan ‘Mastana’). The lead pair in this period costume drama is Beena Rai and Bharat Bhushan, supported by Durga Khote, Veena, Gope, KN Singh, Al Nasir, Randhir etc.

The song tells of the difficulties and pitfalls in the path of love, a sentiment that is so aptly expressed in the lines

shamma pe parwaana gira
poochh na anjam-e-wafa
ye bhi jali wo bhi jala

The lyrics present the poignancy and the pain in the matter of love. An expressive and also an impressive song.


Song – Aag Lagi Shola Uttha Shamma Pe Parwaana Gira (Mera Salaam) (1957) Singer – Shamshad Begam, Lyrics – Shewan Rizvi, MD – Hafiz Khan


aag lagi ee
aag lagi
aag lagi shola uthha
shamma pe parwaana gira aa aa aa
shamma pe parwaana gira aa
poochh na anjam-e-wafa
ye bhi jali wo bhi jala
aag lagi ee
aag lagi

kaat ke saiyyaad ne par
saunp diya dard e jigar r
kaat ke saiyyaad ne par
saunp diya dard e jigar r
uspe ye taaqeed magar
aah na bhar naale na kar
ishq hai kya dekh liya aa
ishq hai kya dekh liya
ye bhi jali wo bhi jala
aag lagi ee
aag lagi

dil ki tadap dil mein rahe
sabki sune kuchh na kahe ae
dil ki tadap dil mein rahe
sabki sune kuchh na kahe ae
dard sahe zulm sahe ae
ashq na aankhon se bahe ae ae ae
ye hai mohabbat ka maza aa
ye hai mohabbat ka maza
ye bhi jali wo bhi jala
aag lagi ee
aag lagi

bijliyaan gulshan pe giri
phool kahin bhanwra kahin
bijliyaan gulshan pe giri
phool kahin bhanwra kahin
khawaab thha ye kitna haseen
aaj hua humko yaqeen een
pyaar ka anjaam bura
pyaar ka anjaam bura
ye bhi jali
wo bhi jala
aag lagi ee
aag lagi
aag lagi shola uthha
shamma pe parwaana gira aa aa aa
shamma pe parwaana gira aa
poochh na anjaam-e-wafa
ye bhi jali wo bhi jala
aag lagi ee
aag lagi

Hindi script lyrics (Provided by Sudhir)

आग लगी॰॰ई
आग लगी
आग लगी शोला उठा
शम्मा पे परवाना गिरा॰॰आ ॰॰आ ॰॰आ
शम्मा पे परवाना गिरा॰॰आ
पूछ ना अंजाम ए वफा
ये भी जली वो भी जला
हाए आग लगी॰॰ई
आग लगी

काट के सैय्याद ने पर
सौंप दिया दर्द ए जिगर
काट के सैय्याद ने पर
सौंप दिया दर्द ए जिगर
उस पे ये ताकीद मगर
आह ना भर नाले ना कर
इश्क़ है क्या देख लिया
इश्क़ है क्या देख लिया
ये भी जली वो भी जला
हाए आग लगी॰॰ई
आग लगी

दिल की तड़प दिल में रहे
सबकी सुने कुछ ना कहे॰॰ए
दिल की तड़प दिल में रहे
सबकी सुने कुछ ना कहे॰॰ए
दर्द सहे ज़ुल्म सहे
अश्क ना आँखों से बहे
ये है है मोहब्बत का मज़ा॰॰आ
ये है है मोहब्बत का मज़ा
ये भी जली वो भी जला
हाए आग लगी॰॰ई
आग लगी

बिजलियाँ गुलशन पे गिरीं
फूल कहीं भँवरा कहीं
बिजलियाँ गुलशन पे गिरीं
फूल कहीं भँवरा कहीं
ख्वाब था ये कितना हसीं
आज हुआ हमको यकीं
प्यार का अंजाम बुरा
प्यार का अंजाम बुरा
ये भी जली वो भी जला
हाए आग लगी॰॰ई

आग लगी
आग लगी शोला उठा
शम्मा पे परवाना गिरा॰॰आ ॰॰आ ॰॰आ
शम्मा पे परवाना गिरा॰॰आ
पूछ ना अंजाम ए वफा
ये भी जली वो भी जला
हाए आग लगी॰॰ई
आग लगी

22 Responses to "Aag Lagi Shola Uttha Shamma Pe Parwaana Gira"

Heartiest Congratulations Atul ji !!!


Atul ji.
God bless you and your family. Always. For bringing the tribe of ours on one platform.

Hearty Congratulations and Many Many Thanks.


Atul ji,

Words fail me today. ‘Congratulations’ seems like a small expression compared to this achievement.

I will write again, when I find more words. 🙂



Congratulations Sir on ATUL JI’s 10,000th POST ON THIS BLOG! I am addicted to seeing your posts every day! I live in Chennai, India. These are my coordinates. Nice to know you and your passionate work inspires me. Do be in touch.
Ejji K. Umamahesh
Photo gallery:
Hand phone: + 91 99406 35547


Congratulations Atulji on reaching this special milestone. Thank you from bottom of my heart for keeping us all together by creating this blog and giving all of us an opportunity to serve.
Thank you Sudhirbhai for the wonderful special post and keeping all of us informed .

Love and regards



for touching an unique personal milestone of posting 10000 songs.

No words have the power to describe your dedication and love for music.
We are lucky to have been associated with you and the Blog.
Thanks a million for providing a platform for us and for making millions in the world happy by providing them feast of vintage songs.
May God give you strength and energy to continue this venture.
Thanks and Congratulations, once again.


Atul ji,

Hearty congratulations i for your 10000 posts on the Blog which is a bonus article for all of us.

And what a coincidence! your 10000thh post introduced us two of our regulars to the Blog – Pratap ji and Avadh Lal . Your introduction of them gave me a great feeling that I already know them well without even meeting communicating with them.


Thanks a lot for this novel way of informing about a huge milestone achieved by Atul.

As you complete your individual milestone of 10K posts, we are grateful to you for giving this enormous gift to music lovers. As a Railwayman by heart and coming from the same beautiful institution, I am especially proud of you. As a blogger, I must be one of the most active partakers of the feast called ASAD. Congrats and thanks a lot.


Congratulations Atul ji! No mean landmark / milestone this is. We are so so proud of you and so blessed to be on this journey with you. Let the party begin! 😀



Heartiest heartiest congratulations!!!

An absolutely mind-boggling achievement – one that dwarfs all other milestones on this blog, as Sudhirji rightly pointed out.

10,000! Building this blog over almost 9 years….every single day…you can be very proud of what you’ve achieved (though I know you’ll just be matter-of-fact about it and shrug it off – and take guard again. 🙂 ).

Sudhirji, thanks so much for presenting this post in this manner. It definitely is a very very very special post and needed to be treated as such.

Lastly, just reading the post shows you how much warmth there is on this blog. It’s not just the songs – the write-ups themselves are so full of warmth. Especially Atul’s write-ups, when he talks about his experiences and pets are always a delight to read, from start to finish. 🙂


Hearty Congratulation on humongous achievement. It shows your passion and perseverance in archiving the HFM achievements. Blazing your way to glory you seem to have fire in your belly. Keep up the flames; no one can douse them.


My dear Atul and Other Music lovers of ASAD,
Firstly, my heartiest congratulations to all of you for this occasion. Your personal dedication, hard work, enthusiasm and love for Hindi film music is an unparalleled example before all of us, and is indeed a great occasion for celebration. I am additionally gratified to find an extended mention in this 10,000th post from you in this blog. It was really a surprise revelation that we came from the same Institution of Indian Railways.
The contribution of Music and poetry in development of character is often not fully appreciated and your blog is doing great service in this regard. Quite so often, it springs a surprise on old hands like me by uncovering some hidden gem of a song which makes my day. I wish all of you continued success in your endeavours.


congrats Atulji
i tried to wish you and greet you but whatever i felt has been expressed in the 10 comments preceding this.
and i must make my usual remark here i read it start to finish and didn’t leave it for another day.


Dear All,
An innings of 10,000 not out! Salute-worthy output of Bradmanesque proportions from our truly indefatigable Atul ji.
That works out to more than 3 square cuts each day continuously for 9 years; come sunshine, rain, hail or snow.
What an achievement! Mind boggling, isn’t it?
‘Thanks’ seems to be a little insufficient to express our feelings. Our heartfelt gratitude to Atul ji for being a pioneer and regaling us with HFM snippets through his posts.
Sudhir ji, thank you very much for bringing the unparalleled fact to the notice of all of us in Atuldom.
Atul ji, I am indeed grateful for your kind words and sentiments in your description of our meeting at Lucknow. While both Pratap ji and I were glad to have the opportunity of sharing your company, we wished it could have lasted for a little longer. A sweet taste but craving for more. May be next time…
Once again thanks and regards,
Avadh Lal


Atul ji, What a monumental effort this has been. Congratulations on this milestone.


What a phenomenal achievement by you Atul ji
It was really an enjoyable read! Thanks for all your continuous efforts!
All the best for the next 10K. Indeed music is a great nurturer. Its often a surprise to know people of your office or aquaintances who unexpectedly turn out to be connoisseurs too!!
Thanks to Sudhir ji for the introduction to the post.


Great achievement, congrats!! Is there a breakup available (by singers, MDs, decades etc.)?


Individual statistics are not there, but for the whole Blog, there are a variety of statistics available
Please visit the Home page and check all sub heads on the Top and right side.
You can visit the ” some stats ” page by clicking on it .


The beautiful post aptly crowns your achievement Atul. As I have said before it is because of your efforts and your humility and bringing together such great souls that this blog has prospered so much. We not only meet wonderful songs here, but people who are worth their weight in gold.

God Bless and Shower Prosperity on this blog.


congratulations Atul ji


Congratulations Atulji on this momentous milestone !! Indeed a record-breaking achievement possible only because of sheer dedication and strong passion for music !! Keep up the good work and thank you !! 🙂


Congratulations on your 10,000th post, Atul ji! I have been silent for some years now, thanks to all the ups and downs that I have been going through, along with all the frequent disruptions caused by the numerous trips to India that I have been forced to take, as well as the side trips to visit my sons and grandchildren. I do come to your site often, and marvel at the regularity with which you have been posting ,and all the songs that are being posted here. I had met with Raja ji and Nalini when I went to Bangalore two or three years back, but haven’t been able to do so on my subsequent visits to India. In fact, I am leaving for India (again!) in two days and will be spending about four months this time,with the goal of getting all tasks finished this time.
Your passion for music is unrivaled and we were talking about your site at a friend’s home just yesterday. Co-incidentally, he is also from Lucknow, and we sat down and looked at a map of Lucknow, and I showed him where I used to live, when my father was posted to Lucknow. That area has become a commercial area now, but it was residential in 1959! I read through your post, and lo and behold, you have talked about your friend, Mr. Avadh Lal, retiring from the Posts and Telegraphs Department, where my father used to work until he retired! And today I am reading a post by you about your visit to Lucknow! Life is full of coincidences.
I wish I could try and meet you during this visit, but I doubt if it will work out, considering that we have a lot of tasks to accomplish and things do not work out at the rate at which we want them to work out! This applies even more to things in India than here! But once again, congratulations on your unique feat, and may this family of song lovers continue to grow!


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This blog discusses Bollywood songs of yesteryears. Every song has a brief description, followed by a video link, and complete lyrics of the song.

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