Atul’s Song A Day- A choice collection of Hindi Film & Non-Film Songs

Zindagi Wo Kya Na Pyaar Jis Mein Ho

Posted on: July 19, 2018

This article is written by Raja, a fellow enthusiast of Hindi movie music and a contributor to this blog. This article is meant to be posted in If this article appears in sites like and etc then it is piracy of the copyright content of and is a punishable offence under the existing laws.

Blog Day : 3653 Post No. : 14509

ASAD 10th Anniversary Celebrations – 15

It has been a while since my last post here – and I have no excuses for this. I will not cite “been busy” as an excuse, because, if I’m honest, I could certainly have found time for a post. If anything, the only reason for not posting is my sheer laziness. And laziness is never, and should never be, an acceptable excuse. So, no excuses. Mea culpa.

One thing though. While I might not be posting frequently, this blog is never far from my heart. It might not be apparent from my recent (non-existent) interactions but this is fact. Whether I post here or not, this blog is very special to me. After all, I have been involved with it from day one. So I request everyone to please excuse my prolonged absence. (Some might consider it not such a bad thing. 🙂 )

Anyway, let me get to the point now. I am not the story here – something else is. Something much bigger than me and my mundane blabbering. Yes, this post is part of a series that marks a very special occasion for this blog. An occasion that speaks to an achievement so momentous, so mind-boggling that it calls for a “lifetime achievement award” for the creator of the blog.

This blog, our beloved blog, completes TEN years today – the first post here appeared on 19th July 2008.

I know I will never be able to do justice to the emotions I am experiencing right now. Words just cannot fully express these feelings. But I’ll try to share some of my thoughts on this occasion. They will be rambling, as usual – but I hope that’s ok.

TEN years. In the history of civilizations, TEN years is nothing. Even in inter-stellar references, depending on context, TEN years is nothing.

But in the world of blogging, TEN years of continuous blogging is HUGE. Mind-blowingly awe-inspiringly HUGE. Or, to use a very common American term, AWESOME. The operative word here is “continuous”. Most blogs out here (and there are countless numbers) are started with great enthusiasm. It doesn’t matter what the blog is about – but, much like exercise, the enthusiasm sees a dramatic drop over time. This could be days, weeks, or, for the more dogged, months. The blog marathoners might just push it into a few years, but there is usually a visible decline in tempo – much like a vehicle that has run its mileage, but is being started everyday just so it doesn’t come to a complete halt. Thus you see a post surface on the blog after months – as if to signal the blog (and the writer) is still alive.

I am not exaggerating. Yours truly also has a potpourri-like blog  – started many years ago with considerable enthusiasm. The live update on the situation is that I can’t even remember when I last posted anything on the blog. Must be a few months at least, if not more. And I am in pretty good company. Thousands of blogs suffer this fate.

That is where this Atul-song-a-day blog, so beloved to us, stands out. Separate from all the other blogs out there. It is one thing to clock ten years. There must be plenty of blogs created before 19th July 2008 and still active. But I wonder how many of those have posts almost EVERY SINGLE DAY day since then. And if they do, I am almost sure they must be commercial blogs, run for profit. By probably an army of people dedicated to the job. In comparison, here it is very different.

We have Atul – who started this blog purely as a labour of love. To this day, even ten years later, it remains that. Yes, he’s helped by Sudhir ji now (and that’s a huge help!) but it’s still one hell of an ask to keep posting every single day. But they do it – Atul and Sudhir ji. The rest of us, Atulites, enjoy the blog, discuss songs, write posts at times (cough, cough!) – but it is basically run by Atul and Sudhir ji.

The most amazing thing about this is that they are both very busy people otherwise – so they have plenty to do, even apart from taking care of this blog. And like I’ve said many times before, every post involves a certain degree of effort. There’s no compromise on quality, so it’s not just a hurried hashed job for the sake of posting something. No compromise on accuracy, whether in the lyrics or in the post itself. If it means needing to listen to a song umpteen times (and Atul has done that), so be it! And apart from the post, there are the other features – the analysis, statistics. All of this demands time too. And besides what we see, they are always working on something in the background.

And oh, I forgot to mention, there’s always the risk of infrastructure failing – whether a power failure, or internet connectivity issue. Over these ten years Atul has been posted in multiple towns – each with its infrastructure challenges. When I consider all this, I can only say that it takes a very special level of love and dedication to HFM to be able to achieve so much, with all constraints and demands on their time.

I would also like to compliment and congratulate not just Atul and Sudhir ji, but everyone who has been part of this wonderful journey, in any capacity. There have been many – some stalwarts too (I shall not take names, we all know who they are 🙂 ) – who have contributed to this blog immensely.

Thanks to this blog, we have all come together, from all over the world, from diverse backgrounds – but with music as our common love and bonding factor. Without this blog, that would not have happened.

Of course, on such an occasion, it is normal to also reflect on the journey. My mind goes back to that first song , posted on 19th July 2008. “Miley Na Phool To Kaanton Se Dosti Kar Li” – Rafi Saab’s divine voice, meaningful lyrics by Kaifi Azmi, composition by Roshan. This song started the journey.

My comment appears on 21st July – so two days later. That is because I got to know about the blog only then. Atul and I were part of this cricket forum – both of us share this interest too, apart from music. Although the forum was primarily meant for cricket discussion, we would discuss a lot of other stuff too – mostly fun stuff. Given our interest, we naturally discussed songs too.

Atul and I (and a few others) would post songs on the forum every now and then. Atul had a thread ‘train songs’, I had a thread ‘songs that inspire me’ and so on.

Around this time Atul started a blog to discuss some of his experiences – I remember him blogging about Binaca Geet Mala, and the famous Jaimala programme of Vividh Bharati. Then one fine day, Atul announced on the cricket forum that he had started a new blog for songs. This announcement was on 21st July 2008 – I promptly visited the blog. Read the post, listened to the song – and left a comment. Shalini, another friend on the forum, also was one of the earliest visitors and commenters on the blog.

At that time, the intention was only one song a day. Which explains the blog name.

But of course, with one song a day, you would not get very far even in ten years. And our thirst wouldn’t get quenched. 🙂

In those early days, I used to give Atul a lot of farmaishes. He was obviously posting songs of his liking – I liked them too, but I had so many other songs that I wanted to see on the blog. So I used to send him requests – lists of 10 songs at a time. Not necessarily very famous songs – I remember even giving a farmaish for “Paape Na Sharma” (film ‘Sagaai’, 1966) – a song I distinctly remember from my childhood.

Around that time, Lalitha also joined in. She was a regular commenter – and would give her farmaishes too. For a while, I felt less guilty – I wasn’t the only one making demands on Atul. Poor Atul! He had started with the intention of posting one song of his choice every day. And here he was, trying to cater to long lists of farmaishes – many probably not even songs of his choice. Yet, he didn’t complain (“Aah Bhi Nikle To Ye Pyaar Ki Rusvaai Hai” ?). He tried gamely to post them all – and possibly realized that at one song a day, it wasn’t going to be feasible.

After a while (I don’t know when – Atul would know the exact dates), he switched to multiple songs a day. That was a big boost for thirsty people like me. 🙂  He kept making improvements to the blog. One feature after another. Statistics. Anniversary page. At that time it was totally a one-man show. He somehow managed to keep posting everyday. The write-up was entirely his at the time.

Then, one day, he asked me if I would do a write-up. I was a bit nervous – but said ok. That was the start for me – this is my 201st post. In these 200 posts, I’ve had the opportunity to pay tribute to several artistes on their birth/death anniversaries or blog landmark occasions – all thanks to Atul.

The blog itself now covers 14500+ songs – I would say it is the richest, most composite, repository of HFM on the internet, especially if you consider that it includes many obscure songs, and is a package of lyrics, video/audio AND a write-up for every single song posted. In any case, we are not in competition with anyone – like I’ve said before, this is a labour of love. We keep building the repository – and the process itself is an enjoyable one. For me personally, this blog has enriched my knowledge of HFM SO much I cannot begin to explain in words. I have discovered SO many gems only through this blog.

And oh, the knowledge of Atulites here! I feel SO humbled. I know nothing, and am happy to learn more from our inhouse encyclopaedia, Arunji. Or Sadanandji, whose knowledge is also immense. And others too. The important thing I realize is that I will not get this information anywhere else on the internet – it is in their heads, often coming from a book or an interview or article ages ago. The internet is not as complete (or even as accurate) a source as many think. We need to keep adding new (accurate) content to it.

And this blog is doing a great job in this respect. Even the comments section are a treasure house of trivia and rare information. For example, when Arunji discusses a song from a film, he doesn’t talk only about the film. He talks about the circumstances in which the film was made, the times, the background of the artistes, director, producer and so on. That gives a very different, and much-enriched, perspective of the film. And this, I feel, is something very special on this blog. It is not merely a song video/audio/lyrics effort. There’s a story behind it that brings the song and film seemingly to life.

And I just love those stories. 🙂

Apart from the blog itself, there is the ecosystem that has got created around it. All the people who came together because of the blog but are now good friends, part of whatsapp group and so on. Some of us have met each other too. Music bonds anyway – and this blog has taken the bonding to a different level. And being part of this journey from day one has been an absolute privilege for me. I have enjoyed it thoroughly and cherish every moment.

Talking of the journey brings me to the song for this post. This is from Jawaab (1970). The lyrics have been provided to me by Avinash ji. When I told him I was planning to do a write-up on this song, he immediately offered to provide me with the lyrics – in English and Devanagari. He is so passionate about this blog, and so helpful – thank you SO much, Avinash ji.

I have picked this song for two main reasons. First, I wanted a fun song to reflect a fun occasion. Secondly, and probably more importantly, some of the lyrics completely resonate with me.

zindagi wo kya
na pyaar jis mein ho
saath agar ho saathi dil ka
mazaa safar mein hai

How absolutely true! What is life without love in it? And indeed, the journey of life is made enjoyable, thanks to the presence of friends on this journey. Otherwise it would be a lonely journey.

The same is totally true of this blog. The journey, now of ten years, has been made thoroughly enjoyable, certainly for me, thanks to the presence of friends on this journey.


baant na lein kyon aapas mein
jo dard jigar mein hai

Also true. We share good and bad times, as we go through this journey. So I felt this song suits this occasion very well.

As for the picturisation, I quite like the zany dancing of, then Jumping Jack, Jeetendra. Even by his crazy standards, some of the moves here are of a different level. Leena Chandavarkar too, probably trying not to be outdone, comes up with some moves of her own. All in all, a totally fun song which I am sure most people will enjoy.

Thanks for reading this post – and once again, congratulations to everyone who has been a part of this journey.

mazaa safar mein hai

Yes, indeed. 🙂

Song – Zindagi Wo Kya Na Pyaar Jis Mein Ho (Jawaab) (1970) Singer – Mohammed Rafi, Lata Mangeshkar, Lyrics – Rajendra Krishan, MD – Laxmikant Pyaarelal
Mohammed Rafi + Lata Mangeshkar

Lyrics (Provided by Avinash Scrapwala)

zindagi wo kyaa
na pyaar jismen ho
saath agar ho saathi dil ka
mazaa safar mein hai

zindagi wo kyaa
na pyaar jismen ho
saath agar ho saathi dil ka
mazaa safar mein hai
akele tum ho
akele ham hai
akele tum ho
akele ham hai
saath agar ho saathi dil ka
mazaa safar mein hai

zindagi wo kyaa
na pyaar jismen ho
saath agar ho saathi dil ka
mazaa safar mein hai
akele tum ho
akele ham hai
saath agar ho saathi dil ka
mazaa safar mein hai

ho jaa ho jaa aye dil
kisika ho jaa aa
kisika ho jaa aa
jahaan bhi dekhen aankh ki masti
kho jaa aa
naadaan kho jaa aa
hai pyaar ki fursat kitni
bas raat jawaan hai jitni
o ho ho ho o o o
akele tum ho
akele tum ho
akele ham hai
akele ham hai
baant na le kyun aapas mein
jo dard jigar mein hai
zindagi wo kyaa
na pyaar jismen ho
saath agar ho saathi dil ka
mazaa safar mein hai

sehmi sehmi kyun hai dhadkan dil ki
main naa jaanoon
pad na gayi ho aankh kisi qaatil ki
main naa jaanoon
jab chal jaata hai jadoo
phir dil par kaisaa kaaboo
o ho ho ho o o o
akele tum ho
akele tum ho
akele ham hai
akele ham hai
hothon par bhi le aao
jo baat nazar mein hai

zindagi wo kyaa
na pyaar jismen ho
saath agar ho saathi dil ka
mazaa safar mein hai
akele tum ho
akele tum ho
akele ham hai
akele ham hai
akele ham hai
akele tum ho
akele ham hai

Hindi script lyrics (Provided by Avinash Scrapwala)

ज़िंदगी वो क्या
न प्यार जिसमें हो
साथ अगर हो साथी दिल का
मज़ा सफ़र में हैं

ज़िंदगी वो क्या
न प्यार जिसमें हो
साथ अगर हो साथी दिल का
मज़ा सफ़र में हैं
अकेले तुम हो
अकेले हम है
अकेले तुम हो
अकेले हम है
साथ अगर हो साथी दिल का
मज़ा सफ़र में हैं

ज़िंदगी वो क्या
न प्यार जिसमें हो
साथ अगर हो साथी दिल का
मज़ा सफ़र में हैं
अकेले तुम हो 
अकेले हम है
साथ अगर हो साथी दिल का
मज़ा सफ़र में हैं

हो जा हो जा अय दिल
किसी का हो जा आ
किसी का हो जा आ
जहां भी देखें आँख कि मस्ती
खो जा आ
नादान खो जा आ
है प्यार कि फुर्सत कितनी
बस रात जवान है जितनी
हो हो हो हो ओ ओ ओ
अकेले तुम हो
अकेले तुम हो
अकेले हम है
अकेले हम है
बाँट न ले क्यूँ आपस में
जो दर्द जिगर में है
ज़िंदगी वो क्या
न प्यार जिसमें हो
साथ अगर हो साथी दिल का
मज़ा सफ़र में हैं

सहमी सहमी क्यूँ है धड़कन दिल कि
मैं ना जानूं
पड़ न गयी हो आँख किसी कातिल कि
मैं ना जानूं
जब चल जाता है जादू
फिर दिल पर कैसा काबू
हो हो हो हो ओ ओ ओ
अकेले तुम हो
अकेले तुम हो
अकेले हम है
अकेले हम है
होठों पर भी ले आओ
जो बात नज़र में है

ज़िंदगी वो क्या
न प्यार जिसमें हो
साथ अगर हो साथी दिल का
मज़ा सफ़र में हैं
अकेले तुम हो
अकेले तुम हो
अकेले हम है
अकेले हम है
अकेले तुम हो
अकेले तुम हो
अकेले हम है
अकेले हम है

19 Responses to "Zindagi Wo Kya Na Pyaar Jis Mein Ho"

Raja ji, loved to read your post like I always do. The way you write is so similar to the way it is to listen to you talk :). Your posts for some reason brings a smile on my face. Happy 10th Birthday to our blog, huge huge milestone indeed :). Nice peppy song by the way, the first time I am listening to it :).


Thanks, Pradeep. Yes, when I talk my thoughts are random, when I write also, my thoughts are random. 🙂
This song is a fun song – with crazy dance movies, so typical of Jeetu of that time. I watched this song many times just to see the crazy dancing. 🙂


Gosh! 201 posts! Not bad at all, Raja, given your claims to laziness. Just keep at it and keep singing – Yeh lazy lazy lamhe.

So you are the viewer who sits on the front bench and whistles and claps to encourage the players! Good for you.


Thanks. They discontinued the Nobel Prize for Laziness because I won it year after year. 🙂 I wish I could whistle well – I can’t, but yes, am happy to sit on the front bench and encourage the players. 🙂

Liked by 1 person

Just like Lata refused any more nominations to Filmfare awards to other singers could get a chance, I think you should write to the Nobel Committee. That is why I wasn’t being nominated, you have been blocking my glory.


Hullo Mr. (Supposedly) lazybones
That was a nice from the heart post. And as has become my habit read it from start to finish in one sitting. 🙂
And yes 10 years of continuous blogging is no mean feat
I know of one other blog that has been running for the same length of time. But I assume it is not a one-man-show but there will either ghost writers or paid staff to manage it as it is a blog of a famous personality called Amitabh Bachchan and I cannot for the life of me visualize him pouring through his lines so diligently, though his posts are one per day, he doesn’t have to bother about accuracy etc.
But Atul is Atul the master of accuracy and inspiring us to be accurate of what we say
I have wished the blog a very happy birthday once in the morning. Here it is again, like a doctor would say Tablet Thrice-daily.
Here is wishing our dear blog a long time in cyberspace


I am ready to be corrected.
The opening music piece infact the song as a whole gives a very Shankar-Jaikishan- Shammi Kapoor kind of feeling.
Also I think this is a remake of a Tamil movie where MGR was the hero.


You are right!
I just checked. This is what wiki says about the film.
“The film is a remake of the Tamil movie Periya Idathu Penn (1963), with M.G.R and B. Saroja Devi, which was first remade as the Telugu movie Sabhash Suri (1964), starring N.T. Rama Rao and Krishna Kumari in pivotal roles.”

So it is a multipe remake film. First Telugu, then Tamil, then Hindi. 🙂
Maybe that also explains Jeetu/Leena’s crazy dancing. They would have had to keep up with South Indian actors’ dancing levels. 🙂


Thanks. 🙂
And that “supposedly” suggests an element of doubt – which needs to be immediately dispelled. No supposedly, it’s all definitely. 🙂

Oh yes, there’s Big B’s blog too that’s been around for a long time – very creditable too. But then he’s another highly disciplined person. Although like you say, am pretty sure there must be staff maintaining it. I used to visit it long back – even then only occasionally. Haven’t been there in many years now.


i last visited that blog when his colleagues Vinod Khanna, Sridevi and Shashi Kapoor passed away. he was really emotional. it touched the heart-strings


Raja ji,

Thanks for your engrossing post and the fun song too.

Your articles are like a flowing river. one goes with it automatically. The language is simple, a bit hilarious at times, but overall, full of nostalgia and emotion.

You are probably the only one still here since Blog started. Lalitha ji and Shalini ji are no more to be seen here. Atleast I am in touch with Lalitha ji on Facebook, where she is a regular visitor to my Fb page. I have never had a communication with Shalini ji. If I am right, she was a regular on memsaabstory Blog.

Some other older members like Oza ji were in my contact for some time,but no more. Similarly Vijay Gupta ji from Singapore too.
I have noticed one thing. I do not know if you and others too have felt this. Nowadays, comments from outside our circle of Atulites have drastically reduced. I remember 2012,13,14,15 were the years in which there used to be plenty of comments on almost every song. Not that those people must have stopped visiting, but I strongly feel this is the impact of Whatsapp.

Nowadays, as Internet is available in ample stock, people read the Blogs on their mobiles. Typing a comment on a Mobile is a tedious matter, so they leave it at reading only. Additionally WA eats up most of their free time. This must have hit us.

This is my guess about less comments from outsiders.

We are all lucky that we are attached to this Blog and to each others.
Thanks again for your post.


Thanks for your kind comments, Arunji.
I agree with you – it is probably due to mobile and whatsapp. Not everyone is comfortable typing comments from mobile. I certainly am not I always type my comments only from my laptop.

About Shalini, this is a different Shalini than the one on memsaabstory. The one I’ve mentioned is UK-based. She was very active on our cricket forum (was one of the main administrators since she is also smart with web design/tech stuff) at the time. Then she started her own small jewellery design business from home – and that TOTALLY consumed her. She could not spend any more time on the cricket forum – totally the forum’s loss! But of course, that’s how life is.One needs to prioritise. She is also a big fan of football (Liverpool FC) and rugby (being in the UK).
We’ve never met, but I am still in touch with her – friendships transcend all platforms. 🙂 She is a massive dog-lover (has dogs of her own) – so that’s another thing that is common between her and Atul. 🙂
She is fond of old Hindi songs – her favourite singers are Geeta Dutt, Manna Dey and Hemant Kumar.
Whenever I listen to “honthon pe aisi baat”, I am reminded of her – she used to say this was her favourite song in her childhood, because it had “Shaaaaluuuu” in it. 🙂

I know this is all probably not relevant to the blog but today, being its 10th anniversary, I felt like going down Memory Lane anyway. And I know for sure she has always been a well-wisher of this blog, so in a way the connection is still there. 🙂

I don’t normally plug any business website here – this isn’t the purpose of this blog, but I’d like to mention her website here, for anyone interested in knowing more about her/her business. (If Atul wants to remove the link, he’s free to). She’s a small business operating out of home (not a fancy High Street label) and Atul does know her, so I hope he won’t mind. Request to please check out


Dear Raja ji,
Excellent! As Arun ji has said – like a free-flowing mountain river, bubbly and effervescent.
Thanks and regards,
Avadh Lal


Thanks a lot, Avadhji. Glad you liked the post.
I just write whatever is on my mind – and if it flows, great! 🙂
Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t.


साथ जो आप हो
ये सफ़र सुहाना है
महफ़िल ये सुरीली है
और साथी साथ है

दर्द जिगर का लो
गीतों में घुल गया
बाँट लेतें है आपस में
जो यादें पुरानी है


Raja ji,
201 posts !!!.
I don’t remember congratulating you for the double hundred.
I read most of the posts on cell phone and hence am a very poor comment maker.

Anyway, Hearty Congratulations for these 200 posts and this post in particular too.


Thanks, Maheshji. Somehow managed to get to 200 posts here, despite my laziness. 🙂
And I agree about cell phone – I have that too. Reading is fine, posting a comment is easier done via laptop for me.


Rajaji, Reading your article, as usual, is enjoyable. Thanks.
Atulji, Your ten years labor of love, is, not only interesting, but also enviable. Even I, of all the people, has now started a Blog ‘Anmol Geet Bharati’, where I promised myself to post one RARE and a GOOD taste Song every Friday and has been doing so since three weeks.!!!. Anyone curious to know the type of songs I upload may go to:
Wish me Atulji’s persistence for the Blog’s long life.


Thanks, Bharatji.
Only through this comment I got to know about your blog. Just visited it and listened to the songs posted there.
I also left a comment there.
All the best for the blog.


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What is this blog all about

This blog discusses Bollywood songs of yesteryears. Every song has a brief description, followed by a video link, and complete lyrics of the song.

This is a labour of love, where “new” songs are added every day, and that has been the case for over FIFTEEN years. This blog has over 18300 song posts by now.

This blog is active and online for over 5000 days since its beginning on 19 july 2008.

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