Atul’s Song A Day- A choice collection of Hindi Film & Non-Film Songs

Archive for October 2018

This article is written by Raja, a fellow enthusiast of Hindi movie music and a contributor to this blog. This article is meant to be posted in If this article appears in sites like and etc then it is piracy of the copyright content of and is a punishable offence under the existing laws.

Blog Day : 3751 Post No. : 14716

The Hindi film industry has seen many legends in its 100+ years of existence. Giants in their chosen field, revered by not just their generation but by generations that followed. They have a very fond place in the hearts of film lovers, who are eternally thankful for their immense contribution to cinema. They all recognise the the world of cinema would be much the poorer without this contribution.

One such legend, and one who probably elevates the worth of the term “legend”, is, without doubt, yesteryear poet and lyricist, Sahir Ludhianvi.

Today (25 october 2018)happens to be his death anniversary – and, as we’ve done on previous occasions, we pay our humble tribute to him today.

Among various artistes that I’ve written about on this blog, Sahir has probably featured the most, alongside Rafisaab. I’ve written many times about him, on his birth and death anniversaries.

And yet, I’m never bored while discussing Sahir. Yes, readers of my posts might get bored 🙂 – but I’m not.

Whenever I write about him, I feel a rush of energy in my body. The content might be repetitive, but the huge regard I have for him overcomes everything else.

Sahir’s status as poet and lyricist extraordinaire is established beyond debate. He might not have been the most popular person around (and that’s the understatement of the millennium!) but even his most ardent critics would have to grudgingly acknowledge the sheer magic of his poetry.

Such is the richness of the treasure trove that he has left us that no post can do justice to it. In previous posts on him, I have often listed some of his songs – the sheer power of many of them transports you to a different world. Yes, there’s much more to a song than just its lyrics – but with Sahir, you could be assured that the lyrics never missed your attention.

Sahir’s lyrics were a direct reflection of his personality. He had strong views on various aspects of life and society, on relationships, on politics – and never hesitated to let the world know of them. It was as if he was waiting for an opportunity to use his poetry and lyrics to convey the message that Sahir, the person, wanted to get across to the world.

Thus, when you listened to “zindagi bheekh mein nahin milti, zindagi badh ke chheeni jaati hai”, you felt it was Sahir exhorting you to demand your rights in life.

Or even, later in life, when he was disillusioned with the way things were going in his life, “main pal do pal ka shaayar hoon”.

Sahir had a very strong sense of justice and injustice in society. Early in life, when called upon to choose between his mother and his far wealthier father, he chose his mother. Till her very end, he was totally devoted to her. Many of his songs reflect the loving relationship between a mother and child.

Throughout his life, Sahir spoke out against injustice and tyranny. He spoke for the underprivileged, the marginalized, the labour class. He tried to show society a mirror, however ugly it looked. He was trenchant in his criticism of the state of affairs – “Samaj ko badal daalo” was one of his lines.

Sahir’s lament about the pathetic state of living for the poor in India is well illustrated in the poignant songs of Pyaasa (1957). “Yahaan par to jeewan se hai maut sasti” he wrote, following it up with “ye duniya agar mil bhi jaaye to kya hai”. “Jinhe naaz hai Hind par wo kahaan hain”, he said.

Continuing in this refrain, he went satirical, writing “Cheen-o-Arab hamara, Hindustan hamara, rehne ko ghar nahin hai, saara jahaan hamaara” for Phir Subah Hogi (1958).

Each line, one could feel, coming straight from the heart.

There were other aspects also that Sahir was concerned about and discussed in his lyrics. Hindu-Muslim unity for example. Always a sensitive topic, and even more so in the years following independence. But Sahir was never one to shy away from a topic – his lines “tu Hindu banega na Musalmaan banega” are some of the greatest lines of Hindi cinema.

The other thing that bothered Sahir greatly was the treatment of women in Indian society. He was deeply disturbed by the lack of respect accorded to women, thanks to a patriarchal society that privileged men over women. Sahir minced no words while lamenting this – his “aurat ne janam diya mardon ko” is a classic in Hindi cinema, with its entire theme revolving around women and how they have been treated by men in India.

It is therefore only fitting that on his death anniversary, the song picked for the blog reflects his thoughts on this topic. The song is “Seeta bhi jahaan sukh paa na saki” from Lakshmi (1982). The film was released after Sahir’s death – in fact, the film starts with a tribute to Sahir.

This song was one of several songs proposed to me for this write-up by Avinashji. As usual, he has been kind enough to prepare the lyrics for this song.

Though this song is not all that well-known, certainly not as well known as “aurat ne janam diya mardon ko”, its words are trademark Sahir. Typical of him, in this song too, he laments the way women have been treated in Indian society. But this time he uses Seeta as his example, saying even she could not find happiness on this earth. He says women have forever suffered, and in today’s world, there isn’t even a Valmiki to give a Seeta refuge in time of need. She has to fend for herself all alone, and constantly seek to avoid the predatory eye of men around her.

Talking of the predatory eye, I cannot help talking about one of the hottest topics right now in India – at least in urban India and on social media. And that is the #MeToo movement. I’m sure Sahir would have had something to say about it, had he been around. So I’m taking the liberty of sharing my thoughts on the subject.

The #MeToo movement, in my opinion, is primarily about those who have been sexually abused and harassed, coming out with their story. While these are mostly women, it is not necessarily limited to women alone. There have been a few cases of men too coming out with their horrific stories. At the moment, it is largely focussed on workplace harassment, but there’s no reason it couldn’t go way beyond that.

It is a fact that, mainly thanks to our patriarchal society, there is a huge power imbalance between men and women in India. This actually exists around the world, but the patriarchy makes it much worse in India.

Power, as we all know, is a hugely corrupting and intoxicating drug. So it is not at all surprising that those in power, mostly men, would tend to exploit those they have power over, mostly women. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anybody.

What makes it worse, as if to add insult to injury, Indian society is also unforgiving towards women in this respect. Instead of being supportive, it tends to blame the victim. Even the woman’s own family make her feel guilty for what is essentially a man’s wrongdoing. She is often gaslighted into thinking that it is somehow her fault, that she invited it. She is encouraged to just be quiet about it, since “the honour of the family” might be at stake.

If she is a working woman, she might even be encouraged to stop working. Many women have fallen out of the workforce in India for this reason alone.

Then again, thanks to the power imbalance, she is up against it if she even chooses to seek justice through the justice system. To even make a complaint to the police, to get an FIR registered is a huge challenge. When you’re complaining about a more powerful party, the system will bend towards that party. The police will either discourage you from giving your complaint, or will mock you, or will flatly refuse to write an FIR.

If you do get past the police hurdle, you still have the rest of the justice system to deal with. Courts which will insist on evidence – which in most cases of this sort is just not available.

Besides, the other party being much more powerful, he can ensure your life is made miserable.

So justice through the normal justice system (which is often referred to as “due process”) is almost always a pipedream.

To help matters, at least in the workplace, new legislation was brought in in 2013, replacing the earlier Vishakha guidelines which laid out steps to be taken at a workplace to deal with sexual harassment complaints. An employer is supposed to set up an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) and so on.

I won’t go into all the details, but the reality is that many employers have not even set this up. And even where this is theoretically in place, women who have complained have failed to get justice. On the contrary, it has boomeranged on them – they’ve been marked as “trouble-makers” in the organisation. Remember, they are complaining about someone who is almost invariably in a higher power position in the company.

With this being the stark reality, whether we like it or not, is it surprising that many women have just kept their pain buried within themselves? They have tolerated harassment but not brought it out in the open. Maybe they didn’t want to jeopardize their careers – after all, it is the woman who tends to bear the brunt of any negative fallout in these matters.

But now we have #MeToo.

Some women at least have decided enough is enough. It is not their shame to bear, so why should they? So they have decided to come out with their story. It is cathartic for them – it must be so hard to keep this buried within you for years.

Some of them have disclosed their identity, some have not. Some have disclosed the identity of the predator, some have chosen not to specifically name him (although there are usually enough hints in their story). It’s upto each person to decide what level of comfort she has – no one can demand she behave in a particular way.

One complaint about #MeToo is that many of these stories are coming out after many years. Ten years, even twenty years. Why didn’t they come out earlier? How can we possibly believe something that might or might not have happened a decade ago?

I feel this is unreasonable. I’ve already explained how the odds are stacked against the woman – the situation was even worse a decade ago. Besides, when women have been constantly shamed, why would they invite further ridicule by complaining, especially when they have no hope of justice?

It is only now, that thanks to the #MeToo movement, they are coming out with their story – hoping to get closure if nothing else. If they get justice, great – if not, at least they’re hoping for closure.

Many have complained that outing men on social media is not the right way to go about this. That women should follow due process – that is, go through the justice sytem of police and courts, or through the workplace structures for this purpose.

And that has worked, right? After trying all that, and hitting their heads against a wall, women have finally chosen social media as their hope for getting their message across. And who can blame them? It’s not like they didn’t want due process – it is that “due process” failed them completely.

Another criticism of #MeToo is that it is often just accusation, without evidence. And no court can possibly accept that. There’s a chance that an innocent person is maligned out of malice or whatever other reason, and his reputation totally destroyed by a #MeToo accusation.

Yes, this is possible. In the spate of accusations, it is possible that some are fake too. Which is why every accusation needs to be attempted to be vetted to the extent possible. Having said that, it is also very unreasonable and unrealistic to expect evidence in cases of sexual harassment, because of its very nature. It tends to happen behind closed doors. So there will be many cases where such evidence is just not available.

Yet another criticism is that #MeToo is about the urban elite and about sometimes seemingly trivial harassment, while women in rural India suffer far worse.

I think this is unfair. Yes, rural women suffer harassment too – possibly much more. Does that mean urban women should be silent? What sort of logic is that? Rather, we should hope the movement spreads to rural India too. Most movements anyway start with those who have relatively more agency – and then spread.

All in all, I think #MeToo in India was long overdue. It started in the US almost exactly a year ago, and exposed many well-known Hollywood personalities like Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey. Around that time, an Indian in the US, Raya Sarkar, prepared a list of predators in academia – but she was unfortunately criticized and the movement did not pick up steam then in India.

Now it has.

No one knows how it will go from here. Will it evolve further? Or will it fizzle out?

I’m sincerely hoping it evolves further. I’d like to see it grow – go beyond urban India, go beyond the few sectors it has so far been largely restricted to (films, media, advertising). There must be many more cases in politics, in government and corporate India, where power is most prone to abuse. Maybe those stories are slow in coming because the women involved are less comfortable coming out with their stories.

And that’s only fair. Each person has to decide for herself – she has to weigh the consequences of her actions. We need to respect that.

One huge positive impact of #MeToo has been that men themselves seem to be re-assessing their behaviour. Not just in the past but also in the present. They seem to be becoming more sensitized and aware of boundaries and space. And about consent. At least I hope so.

Hopefully films too will become more sensitized to gender from now on. I think it is already happening. Films in the past have been hugely misogynistic, often presenting stalking as romantic! And considering how much of an influence films/TV have on society, they might have playe thei role too in moulding society into what it is today.

But then, they were a function of their times – I don’t want to dwell on the past. We can’t change that anyway.

What we can change is the present and the future. And hopefully from now on at least, we will see better-behaved men, whether triggered by #MeToo or not.

Of course, we need much more to happen. Until we dismantle patriarchy there is always going to be victim-blaming and shaming. We all know that men are the root cause of the problem, yet we will continue to blame the women and expect them to “behave themselves”.

So much more needs to happen. We can all do our bit – by calling out patriarchy when we see it, even if it happens without our close circles. By bringing up the next generation with a better understanding of gender equality so that boys don’t grow up with a sense of entitlement. This is what manifests itself in most undesirable behaviour when the boy becomes a man.

Clearly we haven’t done enough in the last 60 years, since Sahir wrote “aurat ne janam diya” in 1958. It’s a sad reflection of our society that it feels relevant even in 2018.

I’d like a future generation to listen to it and say “Oh, how horrible things were for women in those days! Thank God things are so much better today, and women don’t go through all that!”

I know I’m dreaming – but you know what they say. Ummeed pe duniya kaayam hai.

Let’s do our bit to make it happen?

Thanks for listening.



Song-Seeta bhi jahaan sukh paa na saki (Lakshmi)(1982) Singer-Mahendra Kapoor, Lyrics-Sahir Ludhianvi, MD-Usha Khanna

Lyrics (Provided by Avinash Scrapwala)

Naa tera durbhaagya nayaa hai
Naa jag ka vyavhaar nayaa aa
Naa raahon ke shool naye ae
Naa patthar dil sansaar nayaa

Seeta bhi jahaan sukh paa naa saki
Tu us dharti ki naari hai
Seeta bhi jahaan sukh paa naa saki
Tu us dharti ki naari hai
Jo zulm teri taqdeer banaa
Jo zulm teri taqdeer banaa
Wo zulm yugon se zaari hai
Seeta bhi jahaan sukh paa naa saki
Tu us dharti ki naari hai

Wo kanyaa ho ya garbhwati
Naari ko sadaa apmaan milaa
Wo kanyaa ho ya garbhwati
Naari ko sadaa apmaan milaa
Avtaaron ki nasl badhaa kar bhi
Patitaaon mein sthaan mila
Sadiyon se yahaan har ablaa ne
Sadiyon se yahaan har ablaa ne
Ro ro kar umar guzaari hai
Seeta bhi jahaan sukh paa naa saki
Tu us dharti ki naari hai

Kehne ko to devi kehlaayee
Par naar yahaan daasi hi rahi
Kehne ko to devi kehlaayee
Par naar yahaan daasi hi rahi
Do pyaar ke meethhe bolon ki
Martey dam tak pyaasi hi rahi
Jo zehar miley wo peeti jaa
Jo zehar miley wo peeti jaa
Tu kaun si Janak dulaari hai
Seeta bhi jahaan sukh paa naa saki
Tu us dharti ki naari hai

Maikaa chhoota sasuraal chhoota
Jaayegi magar jaayegi kahaan
Maikaa chhoota sasuraal chhoota
Jaayegi magar jaayegi kahaan
Ab Valmiki saa koyi rishi
Is dharti par paayegi kahaan
Ab tu ik bhatki hirni hain
Ab tu ik bhatki hirni hain
Aur mard ki aankh shikaari hai
Seeta bhi jahaan sukh paa naa saki
Tu us dharti ki naari hai
Seeta bhi jahaan sukh paa naa saki
Tu us dharti ki naari hai

Devnagri Script lyrics (Provided by Avinash Scrapwala)
ना तेरा दुर्भाग्य नया है
ना जग का व्यवहार नया आ
ना राहों के शूल नए ए
ना पत्थर दिल संसार नया

सीता भी जहां सुख पा ना सकी
तू उस धरती की नारी है
सीता भी जहां सुख पा ना सकी
तू उस धरती की नारी है
जो ज़ुल्म तेरी तकदीर बना
जो ज़ुल्म तेरी तकदीर बना
वो ज़ुल्म युगों से जारी है
सीता भी जहां सुख पा ना सकी
तू उस धरती की नारी है

वो कन्या हो या गर्भवती
नारी को सदा अपमान मिला
वो कन्या हो या गर्भवती
नारी को सदा अपमान मिला
अवतारों की नस्ल बढ़ाकर भी
पतिताओं में स्थान मिला
सदियों से यहाँ हर अबला ने
सदियों से यहाँ हर अबला ने
रो रो कर उम्र गुजारी है
सीता भी जहां सुख पा ना सकी
तू उस धरती की नारी है

कहने को तो देवी कहलाई
पर नार यहाँ दासी ही रही
कहने को तो देवी कहलायी
पर नार यहाँ दासी ही रही
दो प्यार के मीठे बोलों की
मरते दम तक प्यासी ही रही
जो ज़हर मिले वो पीती जा
जो ज़हर मिले वो पीती जा
तू कौनसी जनक दुलारी है
सीता भी जहां सुख पा ना सकी
तू उस धरती की नारी है

मैका छूटा ससुराल छूटा
जायेगी मगर जायेगी कहाँ
मैका छूटा ससुराल छूटा
जायेगी मगर जायेगी कहाँ
अब वाल्मीकी सा कोई ऋषि
इस धरती पर पाएगी कहाँ
अब तू इक भटकी हिरनी है
अब तू इक भटकी हिरनी है
और मर्द की आँख शिकारी है
सीता भी जहां सुख पा ना सकी
तू उस धरती की नारी है
सीता भी जहां सुख पा ना सकी
तू उस धरती की नारी है

This article is written by Arunkumar Deshmukh, a fellow enthusiast of Hindi movie music and a contributor to this blog. This article is meant to be posted in If this article appears in sites like and etc then it is piracy of the copyright content of and is a punishable offence under the existing laws.

Blog Day :

3750 Post No. : 14715 Movie Count :


Today’s song is a devotional chorus song from an old film, ” Prithvi Putra”-38. HFGK indicates that it was a Mythological film. I could not get a clue anywhere what the story was about. The film was made by the film factory, Ranjit Movietone- where, at a time, at least 4 to 5 films used to be on the floors doing shooting, not counting if any team was on outdoor shooting schedule.

As per the available 1938 issues of Film India, when Prithvi Putra’s shooting was going on, some more film shootings, planning meetings and scheduling were underway at the same time. Films like Gorakh Aaya, Achhut, Sant Tulsidas, Taxiwali, The Cat (Billi) and Prof. Waman, M.Sc. were the films involved in the studio activity. It is sad that review of this film is not available to us since all issues of 1938 are not available on Internet.That review could have at least told us what the story of this movie was.

The director was Jayant Desai, Lyricist was P.L.Santoshi and Gyan Dutt was the music director. Gyan Dutt did 15 films for Ranjit , during his stint from 1937 to 1940 period. After him, it was Khemchand Prakash and after him it was Bulo C. Rani as Ranjit’s resident Music director.

The cast of the film was truly a Nationalistic combination, confirming how the film industry was actually a secular activity. Madhuri was a Christian, Billimoria was a Parsee, Mazhar khan was a Muslim, Kantilal was a Hindu and the other actors were also a mix of different religions.

One of the names in the cast is Waheedan Bai. Not much information is available on her. Her younger sister Sitara Bai aka Jyoti and her own daughter Nawab Banoo aka Nimmi were actresses. Waheedan Bai was from a Tawayef family. Her daughter Nimmi, had always denied this-understandably too, but Waheedan Bai’s name gave away the true story.

In the initial stage of the Indian films, whether silent or talkie, it was difficult to get girls from good families and background. Slowly this picture changed.When Talkie started many Tawaifs,singing girls and girls from such families joined films as they fulfilled the requirement of singing and looking good,in addition to their ease on Hindi/urdu language. At this time slowly many educated and girls from high society as well as middle class families started joining films.So,to distinguish these women from each others, a system of nomenclature was followed. All the Girls coming from singing families and Tawaif background added the suffix “Bai” to their names, like Jaddanbai,Waheedan bai,Zohrabai,Amirbai etc. The Anglo-Indian and middle class girls took the prefix of “Miss” like Miss Moti, Miss Rose, Miss Tara, Miss Ajmat, Miss Pearl etc. Those girls who were from high society were called Devi like Sabita Devi, Kamla Devi, etc. All Marathi actresses used their full names like Shanta Apte, Minaxi Shirodkar etc.

Another point, this nomenclature was only unofficial and traditional. So some Tawaif actresses took advantage of this to hide their roots. Like, Rampyari who was from a singing family of Hyderabad, sometimes called herself as Miss Rampyari.

There were 565 Princely states in India before Partition. Due to patronising of fine arts like music and dance by these Princes, a new class of Nautch Girls emerged in the 19th century. All Nautch Girls were not the same. Author Michael Kinnear, in his book “The Gramophone company’s first Indian Recordings 1899-1908 “, has explained the classification and Nomenclatures of these Nautch Girls. As per that, there were 4 types…

Lowest Class…..IV Name – Khanki Prostitutes/Sex workers
Class III Name – Kaneez Daasi or servant
Class II Name – Bai ji Singing/Dancing
Class I Name – Jaan Top class singers

They all were called collectively as Tawayafs. The readers will now understand the difference between Amirbai, Waheedanbai, Jaddanbai and Tamancha Jaan, Gauhar Jaan, Malika Jaan etc etc.

Waheedan Bai belonged to a small town Fatehabad, near Agra. Her father’s name was Basheer Khan. She was second among 4 sisters. The youngest was Sitara Bai aka Jyoti. Waheedan was a trained and good singer, but Tawayafs did not get social status, so she got married early to one Abdul Hakeem from Nasirabad, settled in Meerut. He had met Waheedan in a shrine in Agra, where she recited verses from Koran.

Soon after their marriage, his father, a contractor with Military, died and Hakim inherited the business. He was a novice and was cheated by his manager and they lost everything. The family moved to Calcutta to start a Leather business. Here also he failed. In Calcutta, their neighbour was director A.R.Kardar. Through his wife, Bahar, Kardar was contacted and he gave a small role to him in a film. Here again he got terrified and ran away, at the time of shooting.

Waheedan came forward and after hearing her singing, she was given a song in the film and it was recorded. Meanwhile Chandulal Shah offered her roles in his films. They shifted to Bombay and she joined Ranjit Movietone. Her first film was Toofani Toli-37. Prithvi Putra was just the second film. Her songs in her films were liked and became famous.She worked in other films like Prof. Waman,M.Sc.-38, Rikshawala-38, The Secretary-38 and Thokar-39.

She got acquainted with Mehboob Khan and he offered her lead role opposite Surendra in film Alibaba-40, a Sagar Movietone film initially, but later on sold to Ranjit of Chandulal Shah, in a game of gambling. Film Alibaba-40 was made in Hindi and Punjabi. The film songs became very popular. When Sagar merged into National Studios, she worked in film Sanskar-40.

Waheedan contracted T.B. and left films. She acted in only 8 films and sang 26 songs in 11 films-including her 8 films. She died in 1942.( based on information from Sagar movietone by Biren kothari ji and my notes)

Another name was Mazhar Khan in the cast of Prithvi putra-38. Khans have always dominated Hindi film industry, since Talkie films started. The very first Talkie, Alam Ara-31 also had the first actor singer W.M. Khan in it. The famous compiler and author, Shri Harish Raghuwanshi ji has enumerated as many as 57 names of Khans in Hindi films, in his book Inhe na Bhulana in Gujarati in 2003.

Mazhar Khan was born in 1907 in Dhar state. After matriculation, he joined Police force and rose up to Inspector’s rank. Due to attraction of becoming actor, he resigned from the job and reached Bombay.He went from studio to studio, in search of a job. Finally. Director B.P.Mishra from Imperial saw him and called for film roles. From 1927 to 1931, he worked in 19 silent films. His first Talkie was ‘ Noorjehan”-31 directed by Ezra Mir ( real name Edwyn Meyers). he went to Calcutta and worked in New theatres films with Sehgal and Begum Akhtar. He also acted in film Raat ka Raja-34, in which he reportedly did 8 different roles.After Sunehra Sansar-36 and some more films with other companies, he returned to Bombay and joined Ranjit, and later Minerva. His memorable film role was in Prabhat’s Padosi-41, in which he did the role of a Hindu pandit, while his Muslim friend’s role was done by Gajanan jahagirdar. Their roles were much appreciated in those periods.

In 1942 he started his own company, Asiatic pictures and then Mazhar Art productions. he produced and directed 6 films. he introduced actress Veena in film Yaad-42 and gave opportunity to Mukesh to sing in film Pehli Nazar- which made him very popular. Mazhar acted in 44 films. He married a Hindu girl, who did not convert after the marriage. They had 2 sons. Mazhar Khan died on 24-9-1950.
(adapted from wiki and Inhe na Bhulana).

Let us now listen to this melodious bhajan which is sung by chorus.

With this song, “Prithvi Putra”(1938) makes its debut in the blog.

Song- Jai Brijnandan Gopichandan Leelakaari Shyaam (Prithvi Putra)(1938) Singer-Chorus, Lyrics-P L Santoshi, MD-Gyan Dutt


Jai Brijnandan Gopichandan Leelakaari Shyaam
Jai Brijnandan Gopichandan,Leelakaari Shyaam
bhav bhaybhanjan ??niranjan sankathaari raam
bhav bhaybhanjan ??niranjan sankathaari raam
Jai Brijnandan Gopichandan Leelakaari Shyaam

cheerharaiyya laajrakhaiyya raas rachaiyya krishn kanhaiyya
cheerharaiyya laajrakhaiyya raas rachaiyya krishn kanhaiyya
sau sau baar pranaam
sau sau baar pranaam

jai avinaashi jag ke swaami
ghat ghat vaasi antaryaami
jai avinaashi jag ke swaami
ghat ghat vaasi antaryaami
sau sau baar pranaam
sau sau baar pranaam
Jai Brijnandan Gopichandan Leelakaari Shyaam
Jai Brijnandan Gopichandan Leelakaari Shyaam

This article is meant to be posted in If this article appears in sites like and etc then it is piracy of the copyright content of and is a punishable offence under the existing laws.

Blog Day : 3749 Post No. : 14714

“Pehli Shaadi”(1953) was produced by K S Daryani and directed by Ram Daryani for Krishin Productions, Bombay. The movie had Nargis, Bharat Bhushan, Motilal, Gope, Manorama, Gulab, Leela Mishra, Kammo, Chandu etc in it.

The movie had ten songs in it. Two songs from the movie have been covered in the blog in the past.

Here is the third song from “Pehli Shaadi”(1953) to appear in the blog. This song is sung by Hemant Kumar. D N Madhok is the lyricist. Music is composed by Robin Chatterji.

Only the audio of this song is available. Seeing that Asha Bhonsle’s voice figured in six out of ten songs of the movie, it would seem that she was the playback singer for the leading lady of the movie, viz. Nargis. So, this song must have been picturised on Nargis.

I request our knowledgeable readers to throw light on the movie as well as on the picturisation of this song.

Song-Mose kahi na jaayegi tose suni na jaayegi(Pehli Shaadi)(1953) Singer-Hemant Kumar, Lyrics-D N Madhok, MD-Robin Chatterji


mose kahi na jaayegi
tose suni na jaayegi
mose kahi na jaayegi
tose suni na jaayegi
mere gham ki daastaan
mere gham ki daastaan
kaho to karoon bayaan
tose suni na jaayegi

nagri nagri dwaare dwaare
ek deewaana ye hi pukaare
nagri nagri dwaare dwaare
ek deewaana ye hi pukaare
in do nainon ke maare
in do nainon ke maare
bechaare ho sajan jaayen kahaan
mere gham ki daastaan
kaho to karoon bayaan
tose suni na jaayegi

main majboor mera dil majboor hai
tose main pyaar karoon itna kasoor
mera itna kasoor hai
main majboor mera dil majboor hai
tose main pyaar karoon itna kasoor
tere dar ka jogi ban ke
tere dar ka jogi ban ke
meet mere man ke ho sajan jaaun kahaan
mere gham ki daastaan
kaho to karoon bayaan
tose suni na jaayegi
mose kahi na jaayegi
tose suni na jaayegi
mere gham ki daastaan
kaho to karoon bayaan
tose suni na jaayegi

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Blog Day : 3749 Post No. : 14713

“Jai Hanuman” (1948) was directed by R Thakur for Ranjit Film Company, Bombay. The movie had S. N. Tripathi, Ram Kumar, Pesi Patel, P. Kailash, Nirupa Roy, K. Purohit, Babu Nene, Rajrani, Tarabai, Kamalakant, Inamdar etc in it.

The movie had twelve songs in it. One song has been covered in the past.

Here is the second song from “Jai Hanuman” (1948) to appear in the blog. This song is sung by Geeta Dutt. Pt Indra Chandra is the lyricist. Music is composed by Bulo C Rani.

Only the audio of this Ram bhajan is available. I request our knowledgeable readers to throw light on the picturisation of this song.

Song-Mohe raam naam dhun laagi (Jai Hanuman)(1948) Singer-Geeta Dutt, Lyrics-Pt Indra Chandra, MD-Bulo C Rani


mohe raam naam dhun laagi
mohe raam naam dhun laagi
jug jug ki preet jaagi preet jaagi
jug jug ki preet jaagi preet jaagi
mohe raam naam dhun laagi
mohe raam naam dhun laagi

ae re sheetal pavan thahar ja
ae re sheetal pavan thahar ja
mand mand ?? ram naam ka ka
mand mand ?? raam naam ka
goonj goonj kar sakal jagat ko
goonj goonj kar sakal jagat ko
kar de raam anuraagi
mohe raam naam dhun laagi
mohe raam naam dhun laagi
jug jug ki preet jaagi preet jaagi
jug jug ki preet jaagi preet jaagi
mohe raam naam dhun laagi
mohe raam naam dhun laagi

raam base more man praanan mein
ram base more man praanan mein
raam jyot jagi nainan mein
raam jyot jagi nainan mein
raam raam mein raam rame hain
rom rom mein ram rame hain
raam ki maaya laagi
mohe raam naam dhun laagi
mohe raam naam dhun laagi
jug jug ki preet jaagi preet jaagi
jug jug ki preet jaagi preet jaagi
mohe raam naam dhun laagi
mohe raam naam dhun laagi

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Blog Day : 3748 Post No. : 14712

“Laajawaab”(1950) was produced by Ashalata Biswas and directed by J P Advani for Variety pictures, Bombay. The movie had Sohan, Rehana, Kuldip, David, Kavita, Pran, Iftikhar, Prem Dhavan, Randhir it.

The movie had eleven songs in it. Five songs have been covered in the past.

Here is the sixth song from “Laajawaab”(1950) to appear in the blog. The song is sung by Meena Kapoor. Prem Dhawan is the lyricist. Music is composed by Anil Biswas.

Only the audio of the song is available. I request our knowledgeable readers to throw light on the picturisation of this song.


Song-Jab kaari badariya chhaayegi (Laajawaab)(1950) Singer-Meena Kapoor, Lyrics-Prem Dhawan, MD-Anil Biswas


jab kaari badariya chhaayegi
aur yaad teri tadpaayegi
jab kaari badariya chhaayegi
aur yaad teri tadpaayegi
main kiski raah takoon
sajanwa kiski raah takoon
jab kaari badariya chhaayegi
aur yaad teri tadpaayegi
jab kaari badariya chhaayegi
aur yaad teri tadpaayegi

jab chaand jhalak dikhlaayega
chaandi ke rath mein aayega aa aa
jab chaand jhalak dikhlayega
chaandi ke rath mein aayega aa
mohe bairan neend na aayegi
jab bairan neend na aayegi
main kiski raah takoon
main kiski raah takoon
sajanwa kiski raah takoon oon
jab kaari badariya chhaayegi
aur yaad teri tadpaayegi
jab kaari badariya chhaayegi
aur yaad teri tadpaayegi

saawan ki bhari barsaaton mein
in bheegi bheegi raaton mein aen aen
saawan ki bhari barsaaton mein
in bheegi bheegi raaton mein aen
jab rimjhim aag lagaayegi ee
jab rimjhim aag lagaayegi
main kiski raah takoon
main kiski raah takoon
sajanwa kiski raah takoon oon
jab kaari badariya chhaayegi
aur yaad teri tadpaayegi
jab kaari badariya chhaayegi
aur yaad teri tadpaayegi
main kiski raah takoon
sajanwa kiski raah takoon

This article is written by Arunkumar Deshmukh, a fellow enthusiast of Hindi movie music and a contributor to this blog. This article is meant to be posted in If this article appears in sites like and etc then it is piracy of the copyright content of and is a punishable offence under the existing laws.

Blog Day :

3748 Post No. : 14711 Movie Count :


Today’s song is from film Sati Toral-47. This film was made by Laxmi Productions, Bombay and was directed by Nandlal Jaswantlal. The music was provided by a team of Hari Prasanna Das and Manna Dey. The song is sung by Amirbai Karnataki and Manna Dey. The lyrics were by Miss Kamal, B.A. This was a pseudonym of Kavi Pradeep. At that time, he was under contract with Bombay Talkies and could not use his real name . Under this Pen name, he wrote lyrics for four films, namely Kadambari-44, Amrapali-45, Sati Toral-47 and Veerangana-47. Incidentally, all these films were directed by Nandlal Jaswantlal.

Nandlal was born on 15-3-1907 at Bardoli in Surat. His father was Administrative Officer in Kohinoor films. He started his career by joining it in 1924. He assisted Chandulal Shah(1926-29) and also directed silent and Talkie films for Ranjit from 1929 to 1933. Nandlal left the job and went to Europe on tour. On his return he joined Imperial company(34-36) and directed some remakes of silent films of Sulochana into Talkie films. For one year-1937- he went to Madras and ran a Laboratory also.

His first Talkie film as a Director was Pardesi Preetam-33 and last was Akeli mat jaiyo-63. Both were Ranjit films. Due to his death in 1961, Akeli mat Jaiyo was delayed and completed by Chandulal Shah himself. Nandlal directed, in all, 24 films-5 Silent and 19 Talkie films. Some of his well known films were Indira M.A.-34, Bambai ki billi-36, Sati Toral-47, Sanam-51, Anarkali-53 and Nagin-56. (adapted from

Music Director Hari Prasanna Das or H.P.Das was born in Chitgaon, East Bengal, in 1905. He was a Bengali. He was assistant to Pankaj Malik in films Dushman and Kapal Kundala-1939. He gave music to Bangla film ‘ Nimai Sanyasi’-40, in which he gave singing opportunity to 20 year old young Hemant Kumar. His first Hindi film as a MD was New India Films’ Blood Feud (or Josh-E-Inteqam)- 1935. His other films were Mohabbat-43, Meena-44, Kadambari-44, Mazdoor-45, Begum-45, Insaaf-46, Veerangana-47, Sati Toral-47 and Hum bhi insaan hai-48. He died on 26-9-1989.

The cast of the film was Shobhana Samarth, Prem Adeeb, Sankata Prasad, Jeevan, Badri prashad, Rehana and others. Sankata Prasad was the elder brother of more famous character actor Kanhaiyalal, who entered film line first as a Lyricist only. Born in Banares in 1903, Sankata came to Bombay and joined Sagar Film company in 1929. From the beginning, he was a fixture in almost every silent and Talkie film of Sagar Film company, Sagar Movietone, National Studios and lastly Amar pictures. After the last connection, he became a free lancer. To be noted is a fact that Sankata Prasad is the only actor who worked in all 3 First Talkie films of Sagar Movietone, namely Veer Abhimanyu, Romantic Prince and Abul Hasan. His last film was Do Mastane-58. He acted in 65 films,in all.

Film Sati Toral -47 was based on a Folk Tale of Gujarat. Folk Tales are stories passed through generations by telling. They are built around Fairy Tales, Tall tales, Trick tales, Myths and Legends. The base of Folk tales is a true historical event , person or a story. Folk tales of loving couples have been very popular and have been subjects on which films in almost every language are made. Stories of Heer Ranjha, Mirza Sahiban,Sassi Punnu, Sohni Mahiwal, Momal Rano, Dhola Maru,Prithviraj Sanyogita, Bajirao mastani, Laila Majnu, Salim Anarkali, Shahjehan Mumtaz Mahal etc. are famous folk tales of lovers and films are made on them.

Similarly, Mythology and religious books provide plenty of scope for Folk tales. Several films are made in several languages on the folk tales of Satis in Hindu religion. Actually, 44 Talkie films are made, whose Titles contain the word ‘Sati’. The more popular Folk tales are on Sati Anusuya, Parvati, Ahilya, Anjani, Madalasa, Narmada, Mahananda, Pingala, Renuka, Savitri, Seeta, Sulochana, Toral, Vaishalini, Vijaya and Vimala to quote a few. Maximum 7 films are made on Sati Anusuya. As if only Sati is not enough, there are films like Mahasati Anusuya, Behula,Madalasa,Maina Sundari, Savitri, Tulsi and Tulsi Vrinda. You really must appreciate the creativity of Hindi film makers.

Like lovers and Religious persons, there are folk tales of Historical persons too, Like Rana Pratap ( and his Horse Chetak), Akbar, Shivaji, Amar singh Rathod, Razia Sultan, Chandbibi, Jhansi ki Rani, Birbal and Tenali Raman. Films have been made on most of these too.

Coming back to Film Sati Toral-47, I have not seen this film in Hindi or Gujarati, So, I was looking for the story of Toral. I found one on Wiki. There is a slightly different ( in details) story written by Amrit Ganger ji, the famous author in English and Gujarati on cinema and history. He has won the Gujarat Sahitya Academy Award too. This story is available on, for those who are interested.( I am happy to note here that I know Mr. Gangar and he has gifted me his latest book ” Walter Kaufmann in India 1934 – 1946″ ). So, here is the Sati Toral story from Wikipedia…

” Jesal, a young Kutchi Rajput, was a dreaded dacoit.
His brother’s wife once chided him that if he was truly brave, he should prove it by stealing Toral, an extraordinary mare belonging to a Saurashtra king. In the process of stealing Toral, Jesal’s hand got caught in a nail and his agonised cries brought the king running outside.

Asked what he wanted, Jesal said “Toral”, not knowing that the queen too had the same name. The king, a devout daani (donor) who had sworn never to disappoint anyone, gave him three Torals – his queen, the mare and a sword by that name. But on the boat journey back home, Jesal realised that Toral was not an ordinary woman.

He was tormented by guilt at having taken away someone who, out of loyalty, did not even question her husband’s decision. It is said that the enlightened company of Queen Toral, remembered in Gujarati literature as a devotional poet who composed and sang songs, transformed Jesal completely and the two began spreading the message of God.

Their inseparable companionship as teacher and disciple is talked about, but in cautious tones. No one, not even the local scholars, wants to discuss the Jesal-Toral alliance as a man-woman relationship. “Even the Gujarati film Jesal-Toral did not suggest any such angle,” recalls photographer Vinay Thacker, who started his career in 1976 by selling photos of the twin samadhis outside the shrine.

However, people do accept their unusual affinity, which even death couldn’t change. It is said that when Jesal undertook samadhi, he called out to Toral from his grave to join him. Toral, who was travelling, heard his voice, came back to Anjar and immediately took samadhi.
Toral, the mare, too was buried outside the temple. A green and magenta chaddar now covers the equestrian grave. The destroyed roof of the shrine has been temporarily replaced with an asbestos sheet. ”

Today’s song is sung by Amirbai Karnataki and Manna Dey, with Chorus. HFGK does not indicate names of singers for this song, but the voices are unmistakable. This song is in Amirbai’s song list. Prof. Yadav, in his book ” फिल्म संगीतकार – सुवर्णयुगवाले” also mentions these two names for this song. This is quite a good song. “Sati Toral”(1947) makes its debut in the blog with this song.

Song-Chaar dinon ka hai ye mela re bhai(Sati Toral)(1947) Singer-Amirbai Karnataki, Manna Dey, Lyrics-Kavi Pradeep, MD-H P Das


Chaar dinon ka hai ye mela re bhai
?? raha hai ??
hari ka sumaran kar le re
tera hoga bhala
mera hoga bhala

apne ?? ko bacha le
hai shaam ki bela
aur din dhala
khud ko kar de prabhu ke hawaale
door karega wo teri bala
apne man ka dhundhla darpan
apne man ka dhundhla darpan
tu hari bhajan se kar ujla
hari ka sumaran
prabhu ka sumaran
kar le re
tera hoga bhala
mera hoga bhala

ab to hari ko sumar le re bhai ee
saari umar toone yoonhi ganwaai ee ee
yoonhi ganwaai
tera prabhu tere bheetar chhupa hai
tera prabhu tere bheetar chhupa hai
tu apne man ka deepak jala aa

hari ka sumaran
prabhu ka sumaran
kar le re
tera hoga bhala
mera hoga bhala

ye duniya hai ek musaafirkhaana
yahaan ki dosti ka kya thhikaana
ye duniya hai ek musaafirkhaana
yahaan ki dosti ka kya thhikaana

aaj yahaan par hai rain basera
aaj yahaan par hai rain basera
kaun jaane kal kahaan ho dera
is zindagi ka kya bharosa
ye jal ki dhaara hai silsilaa(?)
hari ka sumaran
prabhu ka sumaran
kar le re
tera hoga bhala
mera hoga bhala

dil ka rakshak wo parmeshwar hai ae ae ae ae
unko is jag mein kiska darr hai
unko is jag mein kiska darr hai ae ae
kaun hai aisa ishwar ka banda
kaun hai aisa ishwar ka banda
ki jis ka sankat nahin tala aa

hari ka sumaran
prabhu ka sumaran
kar le re
tera hoga bhala
mera hoga bhala

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Blog Day : 3747 Post No. : 14710

“Sangam”(1941) was directed by Junnarkar for Navyug Chitrapat Limited, Poona. The movie had Meenakshi, Vatsala Kumthekar, Sundarabai, Malti gupte, Baby Devi, Salvi, Damuanna Malwankar, Jog, Nandu khote, Vinayak etc in it.

This movie had 14 songs in it. Two song from the movie have been covered in the past.

Here is the third song from “Sangam”(1941) to appear in the blog. The song is sung by Sundarabai. Amritlal Nagaris the lyricist of this song. Music is composed by Dada Chandekar.

Seeing that Sundarabai acted in the movie as well, one can guess that this song was picturised on herself.

I have not been able to get a few words right in the lyrics. I request our readers with keener ears to help fill in the blanks/ suggest corrections in the lyrics as applicable.

Song-Laaj mori raakho ho gareeb niwaaz (Sangam)(1941) Singer-Sundarbai, Lyrics-Amritlal Nagar, MD-Dada Chandekar


laaj mori raakho ho gareeb nivaaz
laaj mori raakho ho gareeb nivaaz
laaj mori raakho ho gareeb nivaaz
dhan balheen
kahat moko more dhan mahaaraj
dhan balheen
kahat moko more dhan mahaaraj
laaj mori raakho ho gareeb nivaaz

deen dukhi main darid ?? ki ?? prabhu tum taaranhaar
deen dukhi main darid ?? ki ?? prabhu tum taaranhaar
sharan taran main naath ubaaro
sharan taran main naath ubaaro
padi vipad phir aaj

man mandir tan kalash chadhhaayo
man mandir tan kalash chadhhaayo
prem bhuja(?) pahiraayo
prem bhuja(?) pahiraayo
do gajvan ko aaj sajaayo
do gajvan ko ?aaj sajaayo
?? hey raghuraaj
?? hey
sir taaj(?)
sir taaj(?)
laaj mori raakho ho gareeb nivaaz

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Blog Day : 3747 Post No. : 14709

“Gopinath”(1948) was produced by Brij Kishore Agrawal and directed by Mahesh Kaul for Shanti Lok Chitra Production, Bombay. The movie had Raj Kapoor, Tripti Mitra, Nand Kishore, Latika, Sachin Ghosh, Anwari Bai, Feroz, Niranjan Tiwari, Mahesh Kaul, Randhir, Baby Zubeida etc in it.

This “social” movie had nine songs in it that were penned by three lyricists namely Soordas, Meerabai and Rammurty Chaturvedi. Two of the three “lyricists”, viz Soordas, Meerabai lived hundreds of years ago and their influence on Indian music scene can be seen from the fact that lots and lots of songs used in HFM and elsewhere were their creations.

Two songs from the movie have been covered in the past.

Here is the third song from “Gopinath”(1948) to appear in the blog. This song is sung by Meena Kapoor. Meera bai (1498-1546), who lived more than four hunndred years ago is credited as the lyricist. This is the 37th song in the blog that is “penned” by Meera Bai !

Music is composed by Ninu Majumdar.

Picturisation shows this song being lip synced by Tripti Mitra, who was the wife of Shombu Mitra- well known as director of “Jaagte Raho”(1956). The young girl visible in the picturisation should be baby Zubeida.



Song-Main birhan baithhi jaagoon jagat sab sowe ri aali (Gopinath)(1948) Singer-Meena Kapoor, Lyrics-Meera Bai, MD-Ninu Majumdar


main birhin baithhi jaagoon
jagat sab sowe ri aali
main birhin baithhi jaagoon
jagat sab sowe ri aali

dulhan baithhi rang mahal mein
motiyan ki lad pove
dulhan baithhi rang mahal mein
motiyan ki lad pove ae
ik dulhan hum aisi dekhe
ik dulhan hum aisi dekhe
ansuwan maala pove ri
main birhin baithhi jaagoon
jagat sab sowe ri aali
main birhin baithi jaagoon
jagat sab sowe ri aali

taare gin gin rain bihaani
sukh ki ghadi kab aave
taare gin gin rain bihaani
sukh ki ghadi kab aave ae ae
meera ke prabhu giridhar naagar
meera ke prabhu giridhar naagar
jab unhen darash dikhaave ri
main birhin baithhi jaagoon
jagat sab sowe ri aali
main birhin baithi jaagoon
jagat sab sowe ri aali

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Blog Day : 3746 Post No. : 14708

“Majboori”(1954) also known as “Chhoti Bahan”(1954) was directed by Ram Daryani for Murli Movietone, Bombay. The movie had Balraj Sahani, Shyama, Gope, Kumar, Jeevan, Gulab, Pramila etc in it.

The movie had 8 songs in it which were penned by D N Madhok (7) and Pandit Gaafil (1).

Three songs have been covered in the past. Here is the fourth song from “Majboori”(1954) to appear in the blog. This song is sung by Asha Bhonsle. The song is penned by D N Madhok. Music is composed by Robin Chatterji.

Only the audio of song is available. I request our knowledgeable readers to throw light on the picturisation of this song.

Song-Aankhen ro ro haar gayin (Majboori)(1954) Singer-Asha Bhonsle, Lyrics-D N Madhok, MD-Robin Chatterji


aankhen ro ro haar gayin
aankhen ro ro haar gayin
armaan tadap kar choor huye
aise mein dil thhaam ke hum
haan kehne par majboor huye
aankhen ro ro haar gayin

rote armaanon aao
lag jaao kaleje se mere
rote armaanon aao
lag jaao kaleje se mere
jo tumne gharonde baandhe thhe
haaye wo gharonde choor huye
aankhen ro ro haar gayin
armaan tadap kar choor huye
aise mein dil thhaam ke hum
haan kehne par majboor huye
aankhen ro ro haar gayin

jis duniya mein humne laakhon
shauk se phool khilaaye thhe
jis duniya mein humne laakhon
shauk se phool khilaaye thhe
ek bujhe dil ko lekar
hum us duniya se door huye
aankhen ro ro haar gayin
armaan tadap kar choor huye
aise mein dil thhaam ke hum
haan kehne par majboor huye
aankhen ro ro haar gayin

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Blog Day : 3746 Post No. : 14707

“Do Sitaare” (1951) was directed by D D Kashyap for Famous Pictures. The movie had Dev Anand, Suraiya, Kuldip Kaur, Baij Sharma, Prem Nath, Shakuntala etc in it.

The movie had eight songs in it. Six songs from this movie have been discussed in the past.

Here is the seventh song from the movie. This song is sung by Manna Dey. Rajinder Krishan is the lyricist. Music is composed by Anil Biswas.

Only the audio of this song is available. I request our knowledgeable readers to throw light on the picturisation of this song.

I have not been able to get a word (or two) right in the lyrics. I request our readers with keener ears to help fill in the blanks/ suggest corrections as applicable in the lyrics.

Song-Ek do dilon ka kaafila (Do Sitaare)(1951) Singer–Manna Dey, Lyrics-Rajinder Krishan, MD-Anil Biswas


sada ek saath jaise do sitaare
rah nahin sakte ae
yoonhi mil kar kabhi do dil bechaare
rah nahin sakte

ek do dilon ka kaafila
ek do dilon ka kaafila
le ke sahaara pyaar ka
jeevan ke mele mein chala aa aa
jeevan ke mele mein chala
jeevan ke mele mein chala
ek do dilon ka kaafila
ek do dilon ka kaafila

ek doosre se thhi lagan
aapas mein donon thhe magan
baahon mein baahen daal ke
wo kaafila badhta gaya
ek do dilon ka kaafila
ek do dilon ka kaafila

manzil nazar aane lagi ee ee
manzil nazar aane lagi
ummeed muskaane lagi
par dekhte hi dekhte
zaalim andhera chha gaya
ek do dilon ka kaafila
ek do dilon ka kaafila

donon bichhad kar rah gaye
bahne thhe aansu bah gaye
ulfat ke is anjaam par
aankhon mein saavan chha gaya
ek do dilon ka kaafila
ek do dilon ka kaafila

ulfat ka haasil hai yahi
ee ee ee ee
ulfat ka haasil hai yahi
chaahat ki manzil hai yahi
ham tumse pahle ??
ye kafila loota gaya
ek do dilon ka kaafila
ek do dilon ka kaafila

What is this blog all about

This blog discusses Bollywood songs of yesteryears. Every song has a brief description, followed by a video link, and complete lyrics of the song.

This is a labour of love, where “new” songs are added every day, and that has been the case for over FIFTEEN years. This blog has over 18300 song posts by now.

This blog is active and online for over 5000 days since its beginning on 19 july 2008.

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