Atul’s Song A Day- A choice collection of Hindi Film & Non-Film Songs

Archive for the ‘Atul ji’s 10K Song Milestone Celebration Posts’ Category

This article is written by Raja, a fellow enthusiast of Hindi movie music and a contributor to this blog. This article is meant to be posted in If this article appears in sites like and etc then it is piracy of the copyright content of and is a punishable offence under the existing laws.

Atul ji’s 10K Song Milestone Celebrations – 1

On this blog, one thing we enjoy is, celebrations.  🙂

We are always looking for an opportunity to celebrate – and every other day, we get a reason to do so. Often it is somebody’s birthday or birth anniversary, or a milestone of a 100th or 1000th song for an artiste, or for the blog. And even if it is a death anniversary, which is not really a cause for celebration, we use the occasion to pay tribute to the concerned artiste. Many of my own posts fall in this category. An occasion gives me an opportunity to reminisce and share my thoughts.
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This article is written by our dear Atul ji. You must be wondering, why this change in presentation style today. Well, this post is a very, very, very special occasion, or rather a momentous occasion, for our blog and for Atul ji. It is appropriate that this introduction and announcement be made on his behalf. 

THIS  IS  ATUL  JI’s  10,000th  POST  ON  THIS  BLOG.

This is a milestone, in comparison to which all our earlier milestones and celebrations pale in significance. A single-handed dedicated effort relentlessly in progress for the past almost nine years. I am sure it will take some time for all of us, for the significance and eminence of this event to sink in.
More special posts by the members of our bandwagon are in planning, starting tomorrow. So please keep connected and be a witness to this remarkable celebration.

This article is meant to be posted in If this article appears in sites like and etc then it is piracy of the copyright content of and is a punishable offence under the existing laws.

As regulars are aware, I am based at Izatnagar, Bareilly at present which happens to be located between Delhi and Lucknow. In fact, this place is equidistant from both these cities. This fact had been commented upon by several regulars. Our Lucknow based regular namely Mr Avadh Lal even commented that I needed to visit Lucknow and meet the Lucknow based music lovers.
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What is this blog all about

This blog discusses Bollywood songs of yesteryears. Every song has a brief description, followed by a video link, and complete lyrics of the song.

This is a labour of love, where “new” songs are added every day, and that has been the case for over FIFTEEN years. This blog has over 18300 song posts by now.

This blog is active and online for over 5000 days since its beginning on 19 july 2008.

Important Announcement

(© 2008 - 2024) The content of this site is copyrighted and it may not be reproduced elsewhere without prior consent from the site/ author of the content.

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Number of movies covered in the blog

Movies with all their songs covered =1425
Total Number of movies covered=4960

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Blog Start date: 19 july 2008

Active for more than 5000 days.



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