Atul’s Song A Day- A choice collection of Hindi Film & Non-Film Songs

Archive for the ‘Deewaali song’ Category

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“Roshni”(1949) was directed by Ramanlal Desai for Standard Pictures, Corporation, Bombay. The movie had Rehana, Nihal, Mumtaz Ali, Sophia, Benjamin, Pran, Harun, Chaand Burque, Sita Bose, V H Desai, Kesri, Shyam lal, Ramlal, Kamal Krishn, Gulnar, Indira, Shyama, zarina, Ishrat etc in it.
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“Jeewan” (1944) was produced by A R Kardar and directed by M Sadiq. The movie had Mehtab, Badri Prasad, Anwar, Shyam Kumar, Misra, Sofia, Nirmala etc in it.
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Today (11 november 2015) is Deepaawali, the festival of lights. This festival is easily the biggest festival of India. Initially this was just a festival of lights but now it has become a festival when people go on a shopping spree on a major scale. Indian market records their maximum sales of the year during the festival. People have been sold the idea that it is an auspicious occasion for buying expensive items.:) It is a day when shoppers make sure that Goddess Laxmi reaches the households of shopkeepers with a vengeance. 🙂
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Today (23 october 2014) is the festival of deepaawali. This festival is supposed to bring joy and happiness in the lives of everyone. I can certainly vouch for that. My main computer that has been hijacked by my wife for the last few days was surprisingly available to me this morning. I wake up earlier than others on the pretext of letting the dog out and teaching the daughter. The dogs were wide awake as usual but my daughter (and wife) are not (as usual). That gave me the opportunity of sitting on my main computer and try and give finishing touch to the posts for the day.
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This article is written by Sudhir, a fellow enthusiast of Hindi movie music and a contributor to this blog. This article is meant to be posted in If this article appears in sites like and etc then it is piracy of the copyright content of and is a punishable offence under the existing laws.

Happy Diwali.

Greetings to all dear fellow travelers of this musical voyage, and all dear friends and readers on this blog. Another new celebration of the festival of lights – may it illuminate your life with the brilliance of joy and happiness. And may it bring blessings of good health, peace and satisfying prosperity – blessings that may come visiting, and then continue staying in your household. Till the time when it is due for celebration again, and this greeting will be refreshed – again.
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The festival season in India begins with the festival of Ganesh Chaturthi and we have one major festival after onther following in quick succession. This is the season that sees people in festive mood and in a mood to spend money and prop up the economy of the nation with their spending. 🙂
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This article is written by Sudhir, a fellow enthusiast of Hindi movie music and a regular contributor to this blog. This article is meant to be posted in If this article appears in sites like and etc then it is piracy of the copyright content of and is a punishable offence under the existing laws.

Greetings to all companion travelers on this merry musical bandwagon, all readers and friends. This wish wishes to bring the blessings of good health, happiness and peace unto yourselves and your families. May this festival of lights continue to bring sparkle and brightness to home and your life. And may this brightness sustain through the entire coming year, till it is time to refresh and rekindle this greeting all over again.
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“Anjali” (1957) was a Kalakunj Production movie. It was directed by Chetan Anand. The movie had Chetan Anand, Sheila Ramani, Mehmood, Sitara, Nimmi, V. S. Thapa, Sapru, Kumkum, Krishna Dhawan, Kammo, Jagdish Raaj, Misra etc in it.
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“Waaman Avtaar” (1955) was a Bombay Films production. It was directed by Raman B Desai. The movie had Trilok Kapoor, Nirupa Roy, Bipin Gupta, Sapru, Roop Kumar, Yashodhara Katju etc in it.
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Today (3 november 2013) is the festival of Deepaawali, which is easily India’s biggest festival. It is interesting to realise that this is the sixth deepaawali festival for this blog.
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This blog discusses Bollywood songs of yesteryears. Every song has a brief description, followed by a video link, and complete lyrics of the song.

This is a labour of love, where “new” songs are added every day, and that has been the case for over FIFTEEN years. This blog has over 18300 song posts by now.

This blog is active and online for over 5000 days since its beginning on 19 july 2008.

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